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I know what retcons true motive is. So first off the less important one is she wants to kill Hunter to atone for Hunter killing his son, her lover. That’s just a simple revenge killing.

With Jason she doesn’t want to simply kill him. She wants to mortally wound him and watch him die. She as a character is all of the untamed rage that he dealt with after Hunter died with the horse girl. So first was to recognize that his pain came from losing Amy, that was him retrieving the ring. The second part is facing the root of his rage. He was depressed and full of Anger when Hunter met him and that was from losing Amy. Retcon takes it a step further.

Retcon only has one timeline where she’s ever born. There are no others. In every other timeline she watched him turn his back on her mother and let them die. They would have survived if he had intervened. She wasn’t killed on contact! She laid there and died slowly.

Try con sees it as she was the sacrifice he was willing to make for his future. And the one time she lived he went out to kill her for the greater good. Yes he killed the wrong girl but she found out she knew that he had done that on purpose to kill her! So she is just so angry about how every time without fail he turned away from her.

To eliminate his rage he has to face his decision