Ester Wyoh

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Ester Wyoh was a research scientist and applied phycisist who worked for the Gudersnipe Foundation.

A specialist in rocketry, Wyoh developed a multi-reentry vehicle guidance system that used primarily physics to target weapons with extraordinary accuracy. This allowed the Foundation to strike small targets with very high-speed weapons, and was a decisive weapon during the Kamian Succession Wars.

Emilie Sachen

Over a century after Wyoh's death, a young girl came forward claiming to be his reincarnation. Emilie Sachen not only demonstrated a remarkable understanding of rocketry at a very young age, but she also passed numerous tests and challenges set fourth to prove her identity. Eventually, brain scans provided what the Foundation would accept as conclusive proof: Emilie Sachen was the reincarnation of Ester Wyoh.

Emilie also claimed to be the reincarnation of Chester Rumbarahl, a battling sorcerer from the Mage Wars who had died over 7,500 years earlier. These claims were taken less seriously.