RPG: the RPG

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Rocket Propelled Grenade: The Role Playing Game, is an RPG based around using RPGs. Actually its more of a puzzle game, but the name is funny. Effectively the game is this: you are impervious to all damage, you have a rocket launcher with an infinite supple of rockets, and every problem has a rocket-based solution.

The game will make heavy use of physics and involve a lot of running around with a rocket launcher. Specifically, you are being propelled by the recoil; not the actual explosion. Explosions can propel you, but not the explosions of your RPG-rounds, which are effectively very small.



  • Standard WASD/Mouse look, first person perspective.
  • Space bar to jump, very small jump compared to rocket launcher.
  • L-shift to crouch, using the rocket launcher in a confined space is the only way to die from rockets.
  • R hangs the double-RPG from a starp on your back, leaving your hands free to pick up items.


  • Primary fire(left-click) will fire a rocket wherever you are aiming.
  • Secondary Fire(right-click) will fire a rocket directly behind you.

Pressing primary-fire a second time without using secondary will flip the launcher around and fire the second shot. Because you are being propelled by the recoil of the rocket leaving the weapon and not the explosion, it is possible to double-jump this way.

Reload time is ~5 seconds.


The levels will involve a series of puzzles, the player's goal is to get from one end of the level to another. Not terribly complicated. Some levels might involve a lengthy climb(remember the player is immune to fall damage), others might simply be about bypassing various obstacles or navigating mazes.

There are no enemies in the game, nothing to shoot back.


These are a list of perspective story ideas:

  • There is no story, no explanation offered, no background required. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail.
  • You begin in Allied Berlin, and you must jump over the Berlin wall to escape, then jump all across europe, eventually jumping over the Bearing Straight to reach safety in the United States.
  • You are attempting to climb an orbital elevator, without the use of a car.