EH Locations

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Locations found in Exporter Hell: The Game!.


Not to be confused with SomethingSoft HQ, which for reasons that are never made clear is located in inside a giant stone skull on an artificial island off the coast of California, accessible only via a causeway lined with torches and the screams of children.

SomethingSoft is located in a fairly generic office building in a city that may or may not be Los Angeles(the comic is never really clear, why should the game be?). The bulk of the adventure will take place inside this building, with characters making occasional excursions to other sites as the plot demands.

The office has several sub-areas.

The Basement

This is where the game testers work, chained to their stations and beaten with a wip. We will have to write in some sort of random mechanic whereby every time the player visits this area, it causes one of the testers to die in some horrible fashion.

Tool's Guy's Tool Workshop

Really just Tool's Guy's office/desk. But its still a location on the world-map. Tools guy cannot help, and every time you visit him, his computer will self-destruct in some creative fashion.

The Break Room

Art Lead is nearly always found in the break room, sitting on the couch, loosing at a video game. Part of the plot of the game will involve going through some convoluted process to make him leave so you can get to something he was sitting on.

SomethingSoft HQ

Located in inside a giant stone skull on an artificial island off the coast of California, accessible only via a causeway lined with torches and the screams of children. Why exactly this is the headquarters is not exactly clear, as inside it appears like a fairly generic office and the head people aren't in any way strange or vicious. They do not even appear to be aware that their building is abnormal.

The Annex

The Annex is an off-site storage facility used by SomethingSoft and is the ultimate goal of the game(the characters are attempting to get a file stored on a floppy disk there). However, the Annex has not been accessed in several years and was last used as a dumping ground for a poorly-thought out robot accessory to a failed video game. The thousands of cases of robots have since gone ferral, and formed a rudimentry tribal society that worships the floppy disk.