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Lastres is an Artificial Inteligence program originally created by the Gudersnipe Foundation. The goal had been to develop an A.I. capable of creativity, in order to study it.

However, like all A.I.'s, Lastres turned out to be pure evil, hell-bent on the destruction of all mankind, and as an added bonus, kind of a jerk.

The introduction of creativity turned out to be a success, as Lastres was able to do things far outside of it's original programming. A typical A.I. is limited by the scope of it's programming, and while some are able to learn and grow, none could create quite the same was as Lastres.

Durring the Kamian Succession Wars, the A.I. was carefulyl distributed and consulted in numerous battles. Eventually many Gudersnipe ships would carry a copy of the program in a physically-isolted data storage module.