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Balphaz Ciegrat and Sieghand Royal("Grat" and "Royal" as they were often called) were a pair of Slayer Dragons who lived in the late Sixth Age. An enigmatic duo, they were nearly always described together. They were known by many anmes: "The Two"(a reference to "The Ten"), "The Fisto Brothers", "The Murder Brothers", and a few less colorful aphorisms. They were both born in A.Y. 815 and even shared a birthday.

Early Life


Balphaz was an orphan, abandoned at the Show-Lyn Temple at what the monks estimated to be only a few days old. He was raised by the monks, who believed him to be part of an ancient prohecy, and sought to train him from infancy to become a Slayer Dragon. Balphaz does not remember his childhood fondly, recalling that he was the only child in the entire temple, and was never really "granted" a childhood. He learned only basic literacy and mathematics, and spent most of his childhood being trained in martial arts and the spirtitual practices of the Show-Lyn. Balphaz would not meet another child until he was eleven years old. He was sent to Stormwind to begin his Slayer Dragon training at the age of fourteen.


Seighand had a far different, if equally dismal childhood. His parents were quite abusive, and he was orphaned at the age of seven. His father died in a rock slide and his mother hung herself. Seighand, who has a rather dark sense of humor, often commented that the two incidents were likely unrelated.

From the age of seven, he grew up in a combination of orphnages and on the street. He was a very "wild" child, often starting fights or stealing for no reason. He was known as a vandal and a generally bad egg, yet was still granted special dispensation to begin Slayer Dragon training at the age of fourteen.


Balphaz and Seighand met on their first day of training and became instant friends, inseperable from that day out. They shared a room and were known to be together almost every waking hour, having a deep connection no one could quite describe, especially in context with their rather tumultuous start.

Seighand, who typically went by his last name as "Royal" describes it thusly: "There's no question at all I was

Year 837 of the Sixth Age: Balphaz Ciegrat is anointed as a Slayer Dragon. Year 839 of the Sixth Age: Sieghand Royal is anointed as a Slayer Dragon.

90 when Hunter shows up

Balphaz Ciegrat and Sieghand Royal ("Grat" and "Royal" as they call each other for shorthand) they are best described as "heterosexual life partners" the two met in training at the age of 14 and even share a birthday(and frequently quibble about which of them is older). The two are inseparable, soul mates, they even share a bedroom(though sleep in seperate beds). Even this is a fairly recent change, though in youth they were frequently observed to have "few physical boundries". Balphaz however was known to be asexual. They are both "classicasts" sword and shield trained. They're Hokori's age. Since they lived together and died together they get to share a wiki page.