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Rosa was a realist painter who lived on Bur'I during the late Sixth Age, and widely regarded as a master of the art. She achieved great success within her own lifetime, being patronized by the royal family as well as seeing her work become a must-have commodity among the well-to-do. Her subject matter was widely popular at the time, with realist nudes being considered "classy" and "upscale"; but only if you owned an original. Rosa's work was far and away the best.

Rosa never formally attended art school, though her mother was also a painter of high esteem. Rosa's skill quickly eclipsed her mothers, and she was nineteen when her first major painting was sold to the royal family(largely considered a sign of sure success). By her early twenties, Rosa's paintings were fetching huge sums, and she had purchased for herself a large tract of land to live and paint on. This would eventually be the site of her artist colony and villa.

Involvement with the Prince

It is known that Rosa had some direct contact with the royal family, and is believed to have had some unsupervised contact with Prince Jason while he was only a teenager(Rosa would have been twenty-five at the time. Given Rosa's later reputation, there is some speculation that something had transpired. Additionally, Jason would later become a good friend and patron of Rosa's; even commenting that she was a part of his inner circle(all though the two only spoke a few times a year).

Jason, in his memoirs, would reveal that their relationship was quite different than anyone had assumed. Jason wrote: "She was a renaissance woman with a wide array of hobbies; while I was a Gudersnipe graduate with an engineering background and access to advanced technologies. The fact of the matter is, she used me as an outlet to pursue interests that others saw as uncharacteristic of her. We would preform chemistry experiment or work on different projects together. I had the scientific knowledge and skill, she had the art; and was a very easy person to work with. In particular, she was very interested in old-style chemical photography; a process not used on Bur'I for over a millennia. Together, we hand-built a camera and created all of the supplies necessary to produce and then develop film. It was a pedestrian but interesting project for me. But as for what everyone says? It never happened."


Rosa was an exceptionally prolific and fast painter, and by her own accounts would produce about three paintings a week totally about a hundred and twenty a year, with production higher or lower depending on her mood(if she had a particularly exciting model, she might produce as many as three a day). However, Rosa only SOLD around twenty paintings a year. The rest were taken to a vault on her villa and stored under ideal conditions.

In addition to the twenty or so paintings a year she released for sale, Rosa would do commissions if certain conditions were agreed upon. Of these she might do another four or five a year, though very few were ever displayed.

Secret Water Mark

Rosa died shortly after the beginning of the Long Night, and it was not until the age of the New Day that a secret water mark was discovered hidden in nearly all her paintings. Rosa would begin each painting by drawing a special symbol in one corner, determined by the season of the year(upper right for summer, lower right for winter, upper left for fall, lower left for spring). This would be painted using a metal-based paint made from a transuranic isotope. The rest of the under-coat would be painted with an identical shade, but using a paint with a titanium base coat. Both paints glow under a black light, and the symbol was completely indistinguishable after the full base coat was complete.

However, the transuranic element being used had a short half-life. Between five and eight hundred years after Rosa's death, enough of the element would have decayed into subsidiary isotopes that it would create a void in the florescence, thus revealing the symbol. Rosa created this system so that forgeries could be detected, since only originals would have it, but kept it a secret, hoping it would take millennia to be discovered.