Royland and Annaria Jusenkyou

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Royland and Annaria Jusenkyou are the parents of Scarlet Jusenkyou. Royland is a descendant of Hunter Jusnekyou and until Scarlet's birth was the last surviving member of the Jusenkyou line. Roy and Ann met in 499 of the New Day and were married almost immediately. Their first daughter, Scarlet, was born a year later in 500. They are a very loving couple, though are fairly boring people.

Ann Jusenkyou

Ann likes bird-watching, chili cook-offs, and playing cards with friends. She played the clarinet in highschool and road horses. She has some college and manages the customer service department at an insurance company.

Ann's father died when she was sixteen, leaving behind a very sizable inheritance meant to take care of her for the rest of her life. Enough that she should have been able to do whatever she wanted. Instead, her mother stole her inheritance and squandered it on poor investments, leaving the family deep in debt by the time Ann turned eighteen. Having only a little money saved, Ann moved to Arindell to start a new life, where she met Roy at