Wolf System

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The Wolf System is a system within a remote region ofJoint Space, the system is under direct Foundation control, though is considered technically "part of the Alliance". It is a Trinary Star System and is named for it's largest, sun, Wolf. The second largest is called Cub, and the smallest is Prey.

Wolf System is a contradiction in astronomical sciences and quite the anomaly. The largest planet is several times the size of any other gas giant on record and nearly twice the size of Prey, the smallest sun. By all rights, Garm's massive size should have compressed it into a star.


Garm the planet is a massive gas giant, and unique in that it supports life--though not in the way traditionally thought. Plants thrive in the upper layers of atmosphere, a massive cloud of single-celled organisms. Though they are green, chemicals they emit cause the planet to reflect a red light.

Garm has 5 moons in orbit around it:

Moon Garm

Moon Garm is a Generation IV, System VII teraformed world. Though technically a moon, it is the size of an earth-normal planet.

Night Star

Moon Garm is large enough to maintain a sattelite of it's own, a small moon, orbiting a moon.