YOF Editor

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Revision as of 05:31, 17 March 2016 by CourseDirector (talk | contribs)
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This is the main page for the Year of Fire Editor, the web form we are kludgeing together to create characters online.

All pages for the YOF Editor will use the prefix YOF.

Base Test Idea

3 Proficiencies:

  • Weapon Proficiency, Bladed = wpb
  • Weapon Proficiency, Ranged = wpr
  • Special Proficiency, Melee = spm

2 Stats:

  • Strength = str
  • Dexterity = str

1 Radio button that indicates Ranged/vs bladed

Form spits out AV for ranged and melee at the end.

Code Logic

In this simple example, AV = appropriate proficiency, + special proficiency if applicable. The code needs to compare the proficiency to the stat and discard any points over the capping stat, then check to see if the special proficiency applies, and do the same with that. It needs to do this without changing the stats.

The logic should look something like this:

If wpb is greater than str, then wpb = str Else If wpb is less than or equal to str, wpb = wpb

If spm is greater than dex, then spm = dex Else If spm is less than or equal to dex, spm = spm

Melee AV = wpb + spm

See Also

Nothing. You see nothing.