Elvira Grimshaw

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Elvira Grimshaw (maiden name unknown) was the wife of Elias Grimshaw, and with him, co-leader of the Dark Order.

Appearance and Personality

'At the center of the formation stood Grimshaw himself, the author of all our heroes' miseries […]. At his side stood a bosomy, wasp-waisted female, all legs and arms and neckless head crowned by a dome of greasy hair as tall as the head itself, with a wide mouth and broad, flat, glassy eyes' (from Going South).

In addition to this, Elvira was sharp-witted and humourous, and took great pleasure in frightening or deceiving anyone she met, or both. She was not above making jokes at her own expense, but was also known to kill and torture others (including her own subordinates) for jokes of the same kind.

About her personal habits, little was known, but much rumoured. She was reported to live on things most people found inedible, or even disgusting, and pass her time in various unsavory habits. (The former rumour led to the publication of Elvira's Kitchen, a book of recipes for exotic dishes). She was faithful to Grimshaw, but both were suspected of BDSM. They had three sons and three daughters.


Elvira's origins remained a mystery to anyone but her husband and herself, but she was well-known as a procuress of alcohol, salt, fruit, medicine, preserves, and mail-order brides, among other things, in the villages and towns where she grew up. When Elias Grimshaw came to town, on the run from multiple creditors and outraged husbands and brothers, he and Elvira went into business together, and ultimately married.

In the years that followed, the Grimshaws became the leaders of the Dark Order and masterminded numerous evil deeds including the Altronis Corpocracy and several other shady businesses.


As a procuress and merchant, Elvira was an adept businesswoman and a cunning spy, and not above dishonest methods. As a sorceress, she was very powerful, even in Exo-Mage spells (traditionally considered a male field), and more subtle than her husband. In spite of a conspicuous true appearance (said to be 'quite unmistakable' by enemies), she was a master of disguise.