Gudersnipe Sign Language

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Gudersnipe Sign Language, also known as GSL, is the form of sign language developed by the Gudersnipe Foundation for use by the Crimson Blade. Because of it's ubiquity throughout Foundation-controlled regions(roughly 1 in 3 adults can recite the alphabet), it forms the basis for most Common-language signs.

The formally-defined version of the language consists of only 26 signs representing the letters of Egregts and 1,000 common words. The Crimson Blade also includes an addition 200 hand signals denoting strictly military terms, many of which are acronyms.

GSL is widely taught as preparation for potential military service. Many elementary and middle schools include basic instruction as part of supplemental education. Learning the 26 letter signs and 500 words is a requirement to complete primary education(highschool). Pre-academies(effectively Crimson Blade military high schools) require all students achieve fluency in the entire defined language within the first year of schooling.


GSL was officially implemented to allow soldiers to communicate silently in situations which call for this. Much like the Military Alphabet, it is standardized across the whole of the Foundation. Because of the language's ubiquity, it is also used widely in civilian life for the same purpose. Because it is taught early in schools, many young people use this to talk in class, much to the consternation of teachers.

Impact on GSSL

Gudersnipe System Sign Language(a catch-all term for the hundreds of dialects based on GSL) is the most commonly-used sign language by hearing-impaired speakers of Common. GSL provides a solid base for learning GSSL, while also guaranteeing that, at least within regions controlled by the Foundation, someone in the general vicinity can communicate.