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Revision as of 00:28, 23 July 2013

Fairies are a form of Mystical Creature glimpsed briefly in the Course Books.


In their relaxed state, fairies vaguely resemble humans, but have an elongated appearance and superior physical beauty, accompanied by a more graceful motion. In the agitated state, their features include long sharp fangs; blazing eyes; sharp claws; and hardened skin, among others. In either state, they sometimes display wings; but because their flight is magical, these are directive rather than propulsive in function.


Fairies' personalities match the 'relaxed' or 'agitated' state as the individual fairy becomes either; but they are easily-offended and known to hold grudges at length. An exceptionally-well-received favor produces a similar commitment, but not one as long-lived; and the average fairy evades intercourse (of every kind) with other species. Despite this, some can recognize other Mystical species on sight.


Fairies are accomplished magic-users, of a magic distinguished by 'earth colors and flying pink hearts', but so polymorphous in character that few human magicians can counteract it. Of particular fame is the magical material called 'Fairy Dust' (of which Hunter Jusenkyou once captured a sample), which has never been fully explained but may augment their abilities by the exponent.