MV Quest Lines

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This page covers the various quests, main quest and side quests.

Main Quest Line

The main quest is fairly simple and straightforward: hunt down and destroy four of Wayne's evil machinations, storm his fortress, and rescue Princess Ashlynne.

The four Machinations are:

  • The Scarecrow
  • The Sandstalker
  • The Mower
  • The Bog Engine

Each Machination is found in a different region, with two appearing close to the beginning of the game. The play can attempt to blaze through the main quest line fairly quickly, but they will probably have to stop and grind a bit along the way.

Killing Wayne at the end is actually totally optional. He's worth a good chunk of XP and probably drops some cool items, but ultimately rescuing the princess is the only real objective.

Side Quests

A few opportunities for side-quests present themselves.

The Pyramid

One of the pyrmaids in the desert has a rather substantial side-dungeon in it. This is the lair of The Undead Who Don't Do Anything. The quest is quite simply to clear the dungeon and slays the Lich.

Additionally, several of the pyramids include dungeons full of monsters and puzzles. These are basically just there for XP and fun.

The Generic Bandit King

In a side-valley adjacent to the Swamp of Sorrows you will find the hideout of the Generic Bandits. Your task is to slay their king. Why? Because you're a hero and that's what heroes do. They kill bandits. Because they're heros. This whole quest will be full of a lot of sarcasm on the part of the princess, who can't get over how trite and played-out this concept it.

The Big Freaking Dragon

This one actually has a certain amount of story to it, and is the only really traditional quest in the game. If you explore around enough, you'll find a cave with an NPC dragon and a third princess. You might try to rescue her, but you'll quickly find out that they are a couple and actually quite in love(this is the dragon and princess from Microcosm).

The dragon will then ask you, for reasons entirely unrelated to him and his princess-fetish, if you will kindly go and slay a different dragon for him. He will refuse to go into detail as to why and mostly hint that he wants to reward you with a three-way, but IF the player goes and slays the other dragon for him, he'll give you a fairly powerful weapon or something.

The Big Freaking Dragon will probably be pretty tough, but worth a lot of XP. He will also be guarding a dragon horde which will be extremely valuable. If you loot the horde and then return to the first dragon, he will ask insistently for that gold and all the gold you have on you. Give it to him, and he'll give you another much more powerful item. You could also just keep the gold, which will be worth a lot.

Post End-Game Quest

The Gatorman is one of the most powerful bosses in the game. While he can be defeated by sheer brute force, legend has it he is vulnerable to a magical artifact that is "hidden in the Valley of Forever past the Dragons of Destiny" which are all pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. Because this area is a lot tougher than most, in order to complete this quest the player will have to spend quite a bit of time grinding. They can then fight their way through the valley, find the artifact, and go slay the gatorman.