Battle Cleric

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The colloquial 'cleric' refers to anyone who is a Cardinal Cleric, a religion common throughout the known worlds. However, the term is also often used to describe a sort of Battling Sorcerer similar to the Paladin. Due to the interchangeability of the terms, a "Battle Cleric" can be somewhat challenging to define.

In it's purest form, a battle cleric is the ultimate balance between metal and magic. The wield enchanted weapons and wear magical armor, and fight in the name of the One King.

The Cleric was envisioned as the ultimate balance between metal and magic. Much like paladins, they were always devotees of some sect of cardinalism or another, and fought as holy warriors. The most famous were the Cardinal Clerics, an order that in fact pre-dates the Order of the Cardinal Star and shares much in common with it.

Clerics as battling sorcerers hailed from many different faiths and traditions, but only those who focused on the balance were considered true Clerics. Nearly all of these were eventually assimilated into the Cardinal Clerics.

Battle Cleric