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The Nalthrop is a species of bipedal rodent indigenous to Aren. During the Mage Wars many were transplanted off-world, leading to Nalthrop populations in many parts of the Known Worlds. Nalthrop are omnivorous scavengers who walk on two legs and use their front paws to forage for food. They prefer slightly rotten or rancid food but can and will eat any biological material their teeth can bite through.

Wild Nalthrop average one to two feet in height, though can grow as high as seven feet. They are covered with a wool-like coat which excretes a thick oily material as a defense mechanism. Nalthrop are subject to predation despite the coat and primarily survive by breeding faster than they can be killed. Nalthrop are diurnal.

Urban Nalthrop

In several urban regions of Aren such as Arindell and Sun's Beacon, Nalthrop have become permanently-established. The lack of predation and easy access to food makes for an ideal environment. The urban nalthrop average much larger than their wild counterparts and are nocturnal instead of diurnal. Urban nalthrop are violent towards each other and engage in cannibalism, which causes a large number to be infected with various prion diseases.