MV Areas

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Very very partial list

Wayne Areas

Wayne’s Mine: big complex maze of tunnels full of mostly easy to kill robots, designed specifically to confuse and disorient the player. Hidden within is a cache of Fortify potions. No boss.

Wayne’s World: creepy amusement park, full of rides and mobs. The boss is a scary clown you have to beat to open up the path to the next area.

Wayne Manor: basically Wayne’s house. Unlike the rest of the place which is full of clutter and garbage and rust, the manor is pristine, spotless. It is roomed by robot butlers and maids, all of whom are retardly easy to kill. The boss is a giant Big-O knockoff called The W.

Wayne’s Power Plant: one of the scarier environments, the power plant contains a lot of catwalks with no rails over boiling pits of crap which will kill you if you touch it. The boss for this area is a robot covered in radioactive slime.

Wayne’s Death Fortress

Wayne’s Death Fortress is devided into a variety of zones all named Wayne’s [BLANK]. Each zone will have to be conquered before the player can reach Wayne’s Tower to rescue Princess Nadia.

Wayne’s Tower Wayne’s Factory Wayne’s Mine Wayne’s World Wayne Manor