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The Horseman was the Foundation's first attempt at a long-range bomber, and was the predeccessor to the Harpy. Horsemans were produced begining in A.Y. 5701 and officially retired in A.Y. 620, a period of 319 years.

Despite a long production record, few Horseman were actually produced, and even fewer deployed into active combat. The Horseman was deemed to slow and unmanuverable to survive in high or even medium-threat environments.

Though officially cast as a 40PSL+ fighter, the Horseman could barely reach 38, and not within the alloted time of the acceleration curve test.

Following retirment from active service, most Horseman bombers were scrapped, with only a handful saved for use in museums.

The Horseman's legacy was in proving the need for a long-range bomber, though it failed to fill that roll.