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The Horseman was the Foundation's first attempt at a long-range bomber, and was the predeccessor to the Harpy. Horsemans were produced begining in A.Y. 5971 and officially retired in A.Y. 620, a period of 50 years.

In a rare move, design and production of the Horseman was contracted to an outside firm, making it one of the very few fighters not designed, tested, and built entirely in Gudersnipe-owned facilities.

Despite a realtively long production record, few Horseman were actually produced, and even fewer deployed into active combat. The Horseman was deemed to slow and unmanuverable to survive in high or even medium-threat environments.

Though officially cast as a 40PSL+ fighter, the Horseman could barely reach 38, and not within the alloted time of the acceleration curve test.

Following retirment from active service, most Horseman bombers were scrapped, with only a handful saved for use in museums.

The Horseman's legacy was in proving the need for a long-range bomber, though it failed to fill that roll.