House Searlin

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House Searlin was a family/clan of mages which existed from the mid-to-late Age of Darkness and into the begining of the Mage Wars. The Searlins are know for construction of the first Mage Tower and are widely regaurded as starting the Mage Wars. Nathan Searlin was a part of that line.


Very little little history is known of the family, but many of it's practices servived in the form of Nathan Searlin's journals.

Though the view during the Golden Age held that the family largily subjigated women, the house included the position of Matriarch. The Matriarch was responsible for the family and the affairs of the physical compound where all members of the Searlin household lived.

The Matriarch, in turn, was second to the Arch, always the most powerful wizard in the family, and responsible for ruling Asysias and the surrounding lands. This is believed to be the origin of the terms Arch Mage and Arch Magus.

They practiced selective breeding, where by powerful wizards were married to powerful sorceresses in an attempt to produce stronger offspring. Outsiders were sometimes taken in early on, but through most of the family's history these marriages were usually incestuous.

The Searlins also practised poligamy, specifically amongst the more powerful wizards of the clan. Outside of the House, however, poligamy was outlawed in the rest of Asysias.