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Traroth ('the Red One' in an obscure magical language) was a full-blooded dragon and companion of A.E. Clipson.

Early Life

Traroth was discovered by Clipson in the latter's childhood, as the unhatched egg of Altronis' last dragons before the ninety-nine-years war. Advised by his parents and their friend Kenneth Stewart, Clipson placed the egg among furnaces, wrapped in Atenish moss, until its hatching; but guided by the moss, the Aten took the hatchling, intending to raise it as companion of one of their own. Traroth refused bond with anyone but Clipson, and returned to him after achieving flight.


As a 'Black', Traroth mated every year with an available female (usually the blue Gwyinnia) and sired a set of smaller hatchlings, often combining their parents' colors. As a young 'Black', he assisted Clipson briefly in a power-raising spell meant to correct Altronis' social and environmental balances; separated from him a few years; and returned, later to aid him in daily effort. At Nicole Ransom's rescue, both were present. Traroth achieved 'Gold' status in Clipson's old age.


Traroth died, apparently on purpose, soon after the death of Clipson.