PP Story

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(Note: the bold sections are designed to provide a framework and will be stripped out later.)

Ordinary World: Introduce the characters, very minor, quick intro, just display the setting.

Call to Adventure: The characters discover their school's 5 tubas have been stolen!

The Five Tubas are:

  • The Sanguine Tuba
  • The Rose Tuba
  • The Flat Tuba
  • The Bovine Tuba
  • Schrodinger's Tuba, which may or may not be a tuba.

(Note: that is it's official name.)

Refusal to Call: No one wants to do anything about it, least of all our three characters, none of whom are in the band. (Note: the school has a marching band but no football team). Raymond kind of wants to go because it sounds like an adventure, but he won't go by himself.

Mentor: The Drama/Music/Math teacher who is also the school's counselor(its a VERY rundown school) gathers together our three heroes and sends them out on a magical quest to retrieve the 5 tubas.

Crossing the 1st Threshold: (Note: this is where the game officially begins, everything that happened prior will be communicated to the player later) Our heroes embark upon an epic quest to retrieve the tubas! But first, in order to embark, they must leave the school, and in order to leave the school, they must defeat the bully...

Tests, Allies, and Enemies:

Approach Inmost Cave(2nd Threshold):

The Ordeal:

The Reward:

The Road Back:

Resurrection(Crossing the 3rd and final threshold):

Return with the Elixir:

See Also