Gudersnipe School Proper

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The Gudersnipe School Proper refers to the campus of the school itself. The complex is said to take up an entire flat dimension but it is likely a fairly small one.

The School Proper complex is also sometimes said to be three dimensions subdimentionally-linked. If so, the three worlds would include a flat dimension for the school proper, a pocket dimension, and a second small flat dimension. All such areas are known to exist but whether they are one sub-divided dimension or three is unknown.

Areas of the Campus

The School Proper contains numerous areas in addition to dormatories and classrooms. Almost all areas may be accessed by students.

Central G.A.T.E. Hub

The School Proper contains the nexus for the entire GATE system as well as the core technologies that allow it to function. Even with access to hubs and interfaces elswhere, the technology cannot be reproduced without the core components at the school proper.

Cultural Anthropology Museum

The School Proper contains a massive cache of artifacts from countless cultures, collected over the ages and stored in climate-controlled catalogues. Many long-lost cultures exist nowhere else but the museum.

The Cultural Anthropology Museum also includes the only known artifacts from the Marcon Alliance, including hundreds of scrolls containing their records and history, as well as the only complete copies of their religious texts.


The museum includes many floors in a simple grid-pattern, with artifacts stored in a display-style environment. A vistor could casually stroll through the endless environments, and see examples from a great many cultures and nations, most now gone.

The floors, partitions, support columns, and ceilings are all white. This allows for the use of very little visible light, but keeps the spaces well-illuminated.

In addition to strict climate control, the displays themselves are usually contained in time-dilation fields, thus ensuring that little, if any degradation will occur on items thousands of years old.


Possibly the only library in the verse to rival the Library of Arindell is the library within the school museum. It contains millions of books, scrolls, and other documents captured from countless governments and nations all over the verse, all throughout history. Much of it has even been scanned and encorporated into the school's massive database. Very few documents are delbrately excluded, such as those on the Marcon Alliance or others which may somehow compromise existing governments.

The library of the cultural anthropology museum is considered the most likely resting place of The Handshake Document.