Bdakra Shipyard

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The Bdarka Shipyard is a Starship storage and breaking facility operated by the Gudersnipe Foundation. It is best known for being the site of the theft of Captain Acrebo's Treasure during the late Fifth Age.


Bdakra had been a major hub for inter-stellar trade as far back as the Third Age. While construction was limited to small-to-mid-sized civilian vessels, the Foundation maintained the base as a repair and resupply depot for it's powerful Crimson Blade fleet. Exactly when it began to see service as a Ghost Fleet depot is unclear, but there were always a handful of large hulls in the area.

By the Fifth Age, Bdarka was better known as a space junkyard, with thousands of moldering hulls on a solar orbit. The distinction between exactly which ships were merely being stored, which were being stripped of useful fittings, and which had been abandoned to rot was difficult to define. In A.Y. 5669, the Korrenz Incident provoked the Foundation to commit to cleaning up the region.

The sheer number of ships, couple with the age of some, presented serious challenges.