Course Books Stories

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For your edification and enlightenment, presented here are all of the stories of the Course Books cannon, in cronological order. All dates will use the A.Y. System and can be matched up on the timelines in the Ages of the Alliance and the Age of the Dragon.

Childhood Stories

These would be all of the stories that cover childhood and adolescence of various characters.

  1. The Eye of a Dragon, RTW, A.Y. 6894
  2. The Wings of a Dragon, PTA, A.Y. 6896
  3. The Breath of a Dragon, CTV, A.Y. 6897
  4. Through the Night, PTA, A.Y. 6899(With flashbacks starting in A.Y. 6885)
  5. Dusk, CTV, A.Y. 6900
  6. Point of the Spear, RTW, A.Y. 6900
  7. The Slayer Dragons, PTA, A.Y. 6902
  8. Marigold, RTW, A.Y. 6903
  9. Forgotten, CTV, A.Y. 6904
  10. Return of the Dragon, PTA, A.Y. 6905
  11. The Tiger's Eye, CTV, A.Y. 6906
  12. The Dark Lord Nimi, PTA, A.Y. 6906
  13. Cavalry, CTV, A.Y. 6907
  14. The Reunion of the Eighth Power, PTA, A.Y. 6910
  15. Falling Dragon, RTW, A.Y. 71
  16. Revival, PTA, A.Y. 735
  17. The Red Tiger, PTA, A.Y. 735
  18. The New Recruit, PTA, A.Y. 736
  19. The Path to Ascension(Story), PTA, A.Y.738
  20. Absolution, CTV, A.Y. 743
  21. The Road to War(Story), RTW, A.Y. 750
  22. The Concourse to Victory(Story), CTV, A.Y. 750