Library of Arindell

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The Library of Arindell is the largest and oldest public library in the Alliance, second only to the collected library at Gudersnipe School Proper as the largest library in the verse. It is located in the city of Arindell, and there is some question whether the city is named for the library or vice-versa.


The Library of Arindell predates recorded history, but just what was written down about is pretty impressive:

Early Accounts

Exactly when the Library was first built is unknown, however it dates back far into Antiquity. The presence of writting in the Ancient language throughout the structure prove that it was built and used by them, however it is unclear whether or not it was a library remains unclear.

In the Age of Darkness it's existence was known, and that it was full of "many aged and rare texts of great antiquity". So by at least the late period of the Age of Darkness, someone somewhere had figured out that there was a building full of books up there.

Stormreaver Valley where the library is located, belonged to the nation of Ataya, who had a long-standing pact with the High Mountain Flight to whom the land belonged. There were a few settlments in the valley at the time, however the remotness made population growth difficult.

Mage Wars Era

The area around the Library was inhabited by Atayans durring the entirety of the Mage Wars, but their written records were lost during the Second Chaotic Period. Nothing survives of their exploration of the valley, however it is believed that they never entered the library itself.

From the Mage Wars, many accounts survive of expeditions dispatched to reach the library, with very few reports of success. By then it was believed that many magical tomes must be there, so any mage who could control the library could control the world.

However, being in the territory of a dragon flight is a good way for any building to remain safe. The High Mountain Flight was feircely territorial, refused all alliances, and defended it's sovernty to the death. Only the local Atayans were allowed free access to the valley, though it was mostly used for farming and was sparsely populated. Some accounts persist that the valley was once littered with ancient ruins, and that these were used to build Atayan homes.

In the late Dynastic Period, the Marcon Alliance formed an alliance with Ozork Flight and launched a campaign to conquer Stormreaver Valley, convinced library contained magical artifacts of great power. The attack devestated Ataya, as they had to go right through the country to reach the mountain pass. The invasion was reppeled, however it provided cover for a few very small raiding parties from other nations to reach the library and begin to unlock its secrets.

What they found was not tomes of magic, but a vast storehouse of books on every subject. These early expeditions could accomplish little, with the constant threat of dragon attack at their backs, and none brought back more than a few volumes.

Before the Marcons could organize for another attack, they were defeated by Laytami and the Gudersnipe Army, thus ending the Dynastic Period and begining the Second Chaotic Period.

The library was largely ignored durring this time, as literally everything else was on fire. it wasn't until Uther began his campaign to end the Mage Wars that another expedition was made. Uther had in fact grown up in Stormreaver Valley, his family farm being quite literally in the shadow of the building itself. His diaries reveal that his lineage had worked that plot of land for generations, possibly even as far back as the Age of Darkness, though this supposition is regarded as anechdotle since Atayan history does not date back that far. According to the diaries, Uther's father believed his family were, in some form, stewards of the Library. Again this is considered highly anecdotle as only a few lines from Uther's journal make mention of it.

Uther lead an expedition into the mountains to the Eerie of the High Mountain Flight, some members of which he had known all his life. He asked them, rather humbly, to join his alliance, and the Flight agreed.

Uther would eventually found a city in Stormreaver Valley, called Arindell. No verified accounts exist that confirm if this was the ancient name for the library or a name given it by Uther.

The Ages of the Alliance