MRPG Enchanting

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Basic enchanting is a simple process of adding a magical enchantment to an item. Like runeing, this type of enchanting typically adds stat bonuses and other modifiers, though it can increase the base damage.

Basic enchanting is much simpler and will probably provide a good starting point for most players. Each recipe requires only 3 materials.

Enchanting Tools

Enchanting does not require any special tools, but the ingredients must be mixed in a vial which is either found or bought from a vendor. Once the enchantment is complete, it must be applied to the item by breaking the vial over it.

Enchanting Ingredients

Each recipe requires a number of each of the following:

Unlike other crafting steps, enchanting ingredients have no "quality" associated with them, what you see is what you get. Enchanting uses a library of 5 different powders and eight different gemstones. All recipes draw from this list as well as the Collectibles and Alchemy lists.

Enchanting Ingredients

Enchanting Steps

The enchanter begins by gathering the ingredients, which will typically consist of a small heap of various powders and a handful of gemstones. More exotic recipes might call for some special items.

The first step is to create the Locus, this is done by combining dust(powders) with gemstones. A simple enchantment might call for a single Locus, more complex recipes may require several. Locuses will never appear as random loot.

Every enchantment also requires an Elixir, which is made with alchemy. These are all combined(dissolved) in a mystical vial to create the enchantment.

This finished vial can then be freely traded or sold. It must eventually be broken over the tiem in order to apply the appropriate enchantment. Finished vials can also drop as random loot.

See Also: