MRPG Inventory

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Revision as of 16:51, 24 March 2015 by CourseDirector (talk | contribs) (Encumbrance)
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The Mage Wars RPG inventory system is going to be based on a system of containerization. EG, players have a certain number of 'packs', but packs can hold even smaller bags within, to help players organize their items for maximum efficiency.

Items will be represented by icons and appear on a grid in the players inventory. Nearly everything will be stackable except large items like weapons and armor.

Item Size Designations

Every item will take up 1 square on the grid regardless of size, but will have a size designation. All items have a size designation, though it is used primarily for weapons and armor to determine various characteristics.

In general, Large, Very Large, and Immense items will have to stay in the regular pack and cannot be placed in sub-bags. However, the vast majority of items will fall into the smaller categories.

Backs and Bags

Containers come in two distinctions: packs and bags. A bag goes inside a pack.


By default, each player begins with a single pack and has space for up to 3 packs. As the gain levels, they can earn additional slots for packs, with a maximum of 8. Each pack will contain a specified number of slots.


Bags go inside of packs and take up 1 slot each. They are primarily for organizational purposes, but also allow players to carry more small and medium items by providing additional slots. Each bag will have its own number of slots, and some bags will also be for specific item-types such as crafting ingredients, scrolls, tools, etc. As a rule specific sub-type bags will generally have far more slots than general bags.


Encumbrance is a new system that replaces weight, because weight is dumb and tedious.

Basic system is as follows:

  • Stuff you can't equip doesn't matter
  • Little stuff like jewelry has a rating of 0
  • Bigger, heavier items have higher rating

See Also

Mage Wars RPG