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The Sahar Jusenkyou was the first successful design of a hyprid carrier/battleship. Though numerous attempts had been made throughout previous Fleet Revisions, only the G-001 made it through proofing and saw actual production.

G-001-0001 Sahar Jusenkyou-Class Carrier
G-001-0001 Sahar Jusenkyou-Class Carrier

Basic design and concept

The primary Instructor on the revision that produced the Sahar-class was Instructor Gailen, who concieved of a multi-role warship on a vast scale.

Using revolutionary hull geometry and what some would call a willingness to blaspheme against and angry God, he produces on of the most terrifying warships ever conceieved, until of course the construction of the G.S.S. Lina Rowen.

A Revolution in Concept

Gailen began by abandoning all previous design conventions and eliminating several features that had been standard on GS warships for millenia. His new design was significantly larger than previous vessels and uncluded elements that allowed for the large battery guns standard on battleships to be included. The new hull design allowed the ship to support far more guns than usual, as well as fire along more vectors.

Possibly the most important feature of the Sahar-class was the use of bottom-mounded