Special Artifact Curation and Care

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The Department of Special Artifact Curation and Care, or S.A.C.C., is an organization headquartered in Arindell on Aren. Formed in A.Y. 2291 out of several smaller agencies tied to the Rangers, the First File, and various departments within Valley Gale Keep, the SACC is one of several groups that exist to support the Slayer Dragons.

SACC exists to gather and protect magical items obtained by the Slayer Dragons that are deemed more dangerous than valuable. Their headquarters on the outskirts of Arindell maintains a large unground vault with more than 30 rooms where artifacts are catalogued and maintained. Researchers can gain access to the collection by filing the correct paperwork.

The SACCis an important resource for the ongoing mission of the Order of Slayer Dragons. Not only can dangerous items be protected and kept out of the wrong hands, but the entire catalogue of items is available for use in times of dire need.


Despite a sterling public reputation as a deeply entrenched and well-respected institution, the SACC of the late Sixth Age had several issues.

Officially, SACC existed to protect and maintain "dangerous magical items captured by the Slayer Dragons". In practice, no real classification scale existed. Any item retrieved that a Slayer Dragon did not wish to keep for personal use got "tossed in the SACC". The Rangers, meanwhile, were required to confiscate any "dangerous" item and turn it over to the SACC. Similarly the Rangers had no real guidebook for what to take. If someone bad had something magical, it went to the SACC.

This led to tens of thousands of fairly low-priority items being included in the catalogue, such that the specialized artifact vaults could not hold even a tenth of the collection. Much of it ended up stored in ordinary warehouses, often in large bins and sometimes even carboard boxes. The Ninth Street Incident in A.Y. 6907 highlighted the deeper problems with the SACC. Generally, items noted to be particularly dangerous received better protection, but items with unknown capabilities were easily lost or stolen.

Even the most dangerous items meant to be ensconced in vaults were not kept entirely out of sight. Because one of the founding organizations that later became the SACC included a collection of Mage Wars-era artifacts, the entire inventory was deemed to have "cultural and historical value" and had to be made available to researchers.