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The Mantle of Immortality is a fabled relic from the Mythical Age and grants the wearer eternal life, youth, and the mental capacity needed to live for long stretches without going insane. The physical object is described as a translucent cloak that feels like it was sewn out of water.


Originally, eight mantles were created by the One King to be given to the Dracosages. However, when the time came to present the mantles, one of the Sages was no longer worthy. The other seven received their mantles, and the eighth mantle was set aside.


No contemporary records of the Mantle exist during Antiquity, though it is mentioned in historical accounts. With so little information surviving from the era, it is most likely the object was kept by the church during that era. It may have been venerated as an important relic, and was mostly likely housed in a very important church.

After the Fall of Roads the location where the Mantle was kept would have been abandoned, and may have remained so for centuries. Only once the remaining population began to re-assert itself into the previously populated areas would it have been found, and by then it's true nature may have been lost.

First Confirmed Accounts

Contemporary records from High Tower indicate that the Mantle may have been there. However, Aden Searlin was weary of the item, believing that it may have been cursed and would actually turn the wearer to stone. Still, it was said that the Searlin family paid a high price for it, so he kept it all the same and attempted to unlock it's secrets.

No confirmed location for the Mantle exists after High Tower, but it was referred to several times after. Allegedly the Marconians sought it throughout the whole of the Dynastic Period, offering at times a fortune akin to a dragon's horde for anyone who could deliver it. This spawned the creation of countless false mantles; some which only mimicked its appearance, and others that did attempt to grant some of the same effects(usually with disastrous results).

By the mid Dynastic era, the location of High Tower was completely lost; but it was widely theorized by searchers that the Mantle was still there.


No records state exactly when, but at some point during the Age of the Dragon, the mantle came in to the possession of one Hunter Jusenkyou, who had apparently searched for it for some time, having confirmed the object's true nature and great antiquity. However there was one point upon which he did not agree, and that was the notion that only one Mantle existed. As such, he spent the rest of his life searching for a second mantle in order to grant immortality to his wife, Lina. He died before finding it, and the cloak was taken up by his daughter, Naomi Jusenkyou, who finally put it on.

Current Location

Once put on, the Mantle could not be removed, so it remained on Naomi's shoulders.