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Author's note about Rebecca:

There are at least three major characters in the Course Books Cannon to carry the name Rebecca: Rebecca Rikart and Rebecca Bur'I from the Course Books, and Rebecca Jusenkyou from the Consecution Books.

In the storyline, this is explained as they are all actually named after Rebecca Rikart, Rebecca Bur'I is Jason's daughter, and thus named after her, and Rebecca Jusenkyou is the daughter of Lily McConery, and is actually named after Jason's daughter.

So there is a reasonable explanation within the cannon for why the name appears to many times.

Now for the real reason. Rebecca Brandt(I think thats the spelling) was my first major crush, way back in 7th grade. I never told her, of course, since I was a stupid, shy little teenager. We went to different highschools, but I had one chance to meet her in 9th grade after marching in a parade(we both played trumpet, albeit for different bands) but I, of course, still didn't have the courage to talk to her.

I had one last opportunity to see her: grad night, at disneyland, near the end of highschool. I even knew a guy who was friends with her and striking up a conversation would have been easy; I was probably even confident enough at that time to open with "I have had a huge crush on you for 6 years" But I Didn't. Say. Anything.


It's easy not to regret the awkward conversations, but hard to forget the ones that never happened.