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Author's note about Rebecca:

There are at least three major characters in the Course Books Cannon to carry the name Rebecca: Rebecca Rikart and Rebecca Bur'I from the Course Books, and Rebecca Jusenkyou from the Consecution Books.

In the storyline, they are all actually named after Rebecca Rikart: Rebecca Bur'I is Jason's daughter, and thus named after her, and Rebecca Jusenkyou is the daughter of Lily McConery, and is actually named after Jason's daughter.

So there is a reasonable explanation within the cannon for 'why the name appears to many times'.

Now for the real reason: Rebecca Brandt (I think that's the spelling) was my first major crush, way back in 7th grade. I never told her, of course, since I was a stupid, shy little teenager. We went to different highschools, but I had one chance to meet her in 9th grade after marching in a parade (we both played trumpet, albeit for different bands) but I, of course, still didn't have the courage to talk to her.

I had one last opportunity to see her: grad night, at Disneyland, near the end of highschool. I even knew a guy who was friends with her and striking up a conversation would have been easy; I was probably even confident enough at that time to open with "I had a huge crush on you in middle school". But I Didn't. Say. Anything.


It's easy not to regret the awkward conversations, but hard to forget the ones that never happened.

UPDATE: So more recently, I have discovered that all these years of searching I have been foolishly looking for "Rebecca" and not "Becky", despite how her yearbook photo was obviously labeled. Personally, I blame my 8th grade P.E. teacher (whom I am sure a number of villains will be based on). Anyway, not only did I find her, I found out I know several people who know her, including the guy I was riding in the car with the evening I discovered all of this. I got to have a delightful telephone conversation with her and all is well.

She doesn't even find it creepy that I had 3 book characters named after her.