Southern Reaches

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The Southern Reaches is a region of the Greater Continent that includes the land mass of Iami as well as a large portion of the continent itself. The region saw a great deal of activity over a protracted period of time, more in some ways than the Agras Plain.

Geographic Boundries

The area known as the Southern Reaches is bounded by the Brutish Sea to the north, an extension of the Barrier Range to the east, the Counterwise Region to the South, and does not have any real geographic boundary to the west. There's no firm consensus on exactly where the Reaches end and Modia begins, though most cartographers place it at around the northern-most point of the shelf.

Following the Intermediate Period, the region of Drack also formed a significant barrier, as passage overland was exceptionally dangerous and often deadly. This allowed the Southern Reaches to develop largle in isolation for much of the Dynastic Period.


Greater Continent


Mage Wars

Much like the rest of the continent, the Southern Reaches were home to countless city-states and Mage Towers throughout the First Chaotic Period. Influences from neighboring Drack led to some truly unique cultural developments.

Then, in around B.G.A. 2400, the Marcon's attacked Drack, effectively cutting the Southern Reaches off from the rest of the continent. The Marcons made inroads in the region, establishing a beachhead at Six Fang Peeks. The further barrier of the Windheart Desert(the dragon flight who commanded it), provided another major barrier. The Bootharian Empire formed during the early Dynastic Period specifically to combat the encroaching Marcons. A combination of logistical difficulties and Boothari moxi effectively stalled further Marconian assault.

Imperial Era

Further west, in around B.G.A. 1000, an Arch Magus called Kubliah Ren conquered sixteen city-states in the region of the Gorbash Steppe. Kubliah took a contravertial stance at the time and did not enslave his newly-conqured peoples, instead offering them some degree of soveriegnty in exchange from their loyalty. Using this power base, he formed what would later become known as the Layloma Empire.

Layloma would later become a charter member in the Alliance, and cavalry from there fought along side Eieber.

Late Alliance Era

Long Night

Dragon Flights