Antelope Books

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The Antelope Books is a series that takes place within the Course Books storyworld. It is related and followes the same rules, and even has a few common characters. For example, Hunter Jusenkyou makes a cameo in the first book, and at the same time, Ryo Sansen appears in one of the Course Books.

Books in the Series

Backstory and Similarities

The Antelope series takes place slightly beyond the known worlds of the Course Books, and in the time of the Course Books is actually part of the Known Worlds. Chronologically, the Antelope series takes place around 200 years earlier.

Ryo's world was first seeded with humans some 8,000 years earlier, specifically by refugees from the Mage Wars, this would put them in the mid-to-late First Chaotic Period.This would be the begining of the slow transition into the Dynastic Period. A story that will be seeing print eventually explains how they fled through an ancient Road in front of the advancing Marcon Alliance.