MRPG Alchemical Enchanting

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Alchemical Enchanting works similarly to basic enchanting but calls for more alchemical components(things made through alchemy), as well as basic alchemical ingredients. Alchemical crafting is used to add special effects to items, like making flaming weapons or damage-absorbing armor.

Alchemical enchanting essentially has three levels: the basic Alchemy level, the more complex temporary effects level, and permanent effects. All alchemical enchanting is done by combining baser potions with each other and other ingredients. The end result, even for a permanent effect, is a potion which must be applied to the item.

Alchemical Process

Every enchantment begins with a basic potion made using MRPG Alchemy. This is combined(without the need of a workshop) with other items to produce either an alchemical component, or a finished alchemical enchantment. Once complete, the enchantment works like a basic enchantment, and can be applied to an item accordingly.

Alchemical Effects

  • Body Guard: adds additional hit points
  • Increasing Strength: reduces spell and ability cool-downs

Weapon Effects

  • Hot-Iron Weapons: this enchantment causes your weapon to glow with white-hot fire, reducing the durability by 10%, but adding 2d6 (+1d6 if the weapon is Very Fine) points of damage. The fire is considered non-magical, and therefore does Mortal damage.
  • Cold-Iron Weapons: this enchantment freezes your weapon solid, reducing the durability by 20%, but adding 2d8(+1d8 if the weapon is Very Fine) points of damage to the weapon. This is considered non-magical and therefore does Mortal damage.
  • Poison Weapon: The Blade of your weapon is covered in cruel poison, dealing additional supplemental (untyped) damage with each attack.
    • Poison Weapon I: 1
    • Poison Weapon II: 1d4
    • Poison Weapon III: 1d6
    • Poison Weapon IV: 2d4
  • Magical Weapon: A non-magical weapon (a weapon not made using materials from the magical materials list) now counts as a magical weapon and is able to damage Mystical Creatures. This does not bypass the mortal damage reduction.
  • Ivory Weapon: an Ivory Weapon bypasses a percentage of the mortal damage reduction of Mystical Creatures. The weapon must still be considered Magical in order to strike them at all.
    • Ivory Weapons I: 5%
    • Ivory Weapons II: 10%
    • Ivory Weapons III: 15%
    • Ivory Weapons IV: 20%
    • Ivory Weapons V: 25%
  • Resin of Quality: Improves the Quality rating of an item by 1 level(Max Very Fine)
  • Resin of Damage: Adds +1 to the weapon.


A Bane weapon bypasses damage-reduction effects on a unit of a specific type. There are 12 different Bane enchantments, falling into two categories. Sub-type Banes target a specific sub-group, such as Mortal Anthropoids. This type is much more common and easier to create, as it only effects a specific sub-set of units. Not that unique subsets (such as spirits or Magetecha) are exempt from this effect and do not have a Bane-type.

The more generalized bane, that effects Mortal, Metal, or Mystical is very rare and difficult to craft. This can effect all subsets (a Mystical Creature Bane weapon will affect spirits).

This enchantment also allows the weapon to bypass the Magical Weapon requirement on Mystical Creatures, but only of the specific sub-type of the Bane.

Skill Bonuses

Skills can receive bonuses through alchemical enchanting. As covered, skills are Charisma, Medicine, Tinkering, Comprehension, and Perception. Only one skill point may be added in this way, but like-enchantments do stack (5 points could be added by placing 5 enchantments on a Very Fine item).

Stat Bonuses

Very high-level alchemical enchantments allow for the addition of +3 and +5 bonuses to stats. Like-enchantments do not stack with each other, but stack with other bonuses. Most importantly: alchemical stat bonuses apply to the un-buffed stat.

See Also: