Shoten Jump

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The Shoten Jump system is a faster-than-light propulsion system built into most Gudersnipe starships. The technology was invented by Instructor Roland durring the late Sixth Age and used extensively for surprise attacks durring the Kamian Succession Wars.


A Shoten Jump works by pushing the ship up into higher plains of existence, specifically to the highest plane, where it then drops back down into normal space. The process allows a vessel to move great distances and bypass most obstacles. Like the Python Reactor in traditional FTL, it is bound by the Fernel Limit.


The Shoten system does not replace a traditional FTL drive. It's main drawbacks are that it requires substantially more power, and requires all that power at once. Battlegroups can get around this by spreading a particle field in space and charging it, the field then acts like a giant capacitor, allowing a few ships to make the jump. However, no battle group can supply enough energy to move the entire group; only a single capital ship or a few support ships.


In Retrospectus from The Road to War(Volume II of the Course Books), Hunter gives the order for Jason to attach a Zero-Point Generator directly two the Shoten Jump-drive as a means of escape. Though this effort is interupted by the Valley Forge, it is implied this could power the system.

Other Uses

In the short story CTRL+Z from The Road to War, it is revealed by Instructor Roland that Shoten Jump systems can pottentially be used for time travel, with a large enough power boost and the right modifications. He calls this technology CTRL+Z, which provides the name to the story, and also aludes to correcting mistakes like the undo keyboard command in most computer applications.