MRPG Spell List also old

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(Note: the PnP game uses the same spell list)

With the exception of the Exo-mage proficiencies, each magical proficiency has its own unique spell list.

Spells learned automatically as the player levels are graduated and fall into two progressions: the Additive and the Subtractive. Additive spells are typically offensive and damage-dealing, while subtractive are about support and protection. There are exceptions to this rule, as healing is part of the Additive progression while some damaging Dark spells are subtractive.

Excluded from this list are the tree-based magics. All Exo-Magic, Holy, and most Dark and Light spells belong to trees. Only Mind, Change, Life, and Death are completely without trees, making them the best option for "splash" builds that want to throw in a little magical damage without having to go too far overboard.

Mage Wars PnP: some spells will include special additions, conditions, or addendums for the Mage Wars PnP game.

Spell List

Each magic proficiency has two spell lists according to progression. As the magic system is still being fully developed, for the time being only spell names and a few general notes about effects are likely to be included.



  • Darkness Explode: basically just deals a crapton of Negative-typed damage in an AOE-ark. Mage Wars PnP: this spell does effect party members and friendly NPCs within the radius.


  • Dark Magic Attack: a high-level dark spell that deals damage around multiple sources, designed to bypass different forms of resistance.


  • Light


  • Mind


Change is somewhat special in that it is able to produce elemental damage-effects by "changing" one thing into another.

  • Change



Allllllllll the healing spells go here, think of like five or six of them that heal based on different attributes according to level.


Here you will find the debuff-spells designed to remove stat-damage and negative effects.

Some general, all-purpose cleaners:

  • Cleansing Ember
  • Cleansing Fire
  • Cleansing Inferno


  • Reaping of Pawns: I have NO idea what this spell is going to do.
  • Feast of Gluttons: same with this one but they are in the card game and have cool names.


  • Death: just about exactly what the name implies. The caster will attempt to slay a target with a single word. This spell does not follow typical rules as it is not damage-dealing. Instead, if it passes the resistance-check, the player will then make a role of 1d20-per-rank + buffed-proficiency against the target. If the player roles a higher score, the target is instantly killed. The rules for this spell might change later.
  • Mass Grave: similar to the Death spell but targets everything within the immediate area. The spell does not effect party members or friendly NPCs, but the player may not exclude any targets. Mage Wars PnP: this spell effects everyone within the radius, the caster may exclude up to 6 targets.

Key Terms

  • Caster Level: refers to the player's actual level
  • Rank: refers to the player's Rank.
  • Progression: refers to the spell's level(E.G. First Progression spells are available at start, Second Progression at Levels 3/5 respectively, etc)

See Also: