MRPG Reincarnation

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Characters wishing to seek greater power my pursue the path to reincarnation, allowing themselves to permanently 'die' and come back as an even more powerful being.

Steps to Reincarnation

Because of the power that comes from the process of reincarnation, players will have a wide series of objectives that must be completed in order to succeed.

Step I: The Trappings

Before a character can even begin the process, the player must own land in the game (have a house and yard). They are then required to construct a tomb on this land. Guilds can construct large communal tombs on their own land, but if a player is ever removed from the guild they will need to move their stuff.

The size and grandeur of a tomb determines how much benefit a character receives in their next life(their status). Tombs are divided into three tiers.

Tier I

A Tier I tomb is a small chamber, either underground or in a mausoleum. It will hold the rest of the magical elements, including the preserved body of the character's previous self. The tomb also includes a small funerary chapel or shrine somewhere on the surface.

Tier I tombs allow the reincarnated character to inherit all of the facets from his former life.

Tier II

A Tier II tomb includes a multi-chamber underground room or mausoleum and a sizable monument on the surface, that must include a funerary chapel. The monument itself can be a statue, obelisk, or other commemorative structure. Like the chapel or shrine, this does not have to be near the the actual tomb.

Tier II tombs allow the reincarnated character to inherit some stat and skill bonuses from pieces of jewelry buried on the body of the previous character. Certain limitations apply, but effectively they gain these as a passive bonus to their base stats.

Tier III

A Tier III tomb is a large structure on the surface that will also contain the burial vault. This can be adjacent to the player's land, but likely the player will have to purchase special land just for the project. An adjacent funerary temple is also required, as well as various other ceremonial sites depending on what the player wants.

Tier III tombs allow the reincarnated character to inherit all of the facets of his previous life, as well as stat, skill, and AV/DV bonuses from items equipped to the body. The new character also gains an inherent AC-bonus equal to his previous self's equipped armor.

In addition, the character may choose one weapon to place permanently in the tomb. In his next life, he will be able to summon an ethereal version of this weapon for a limited amount of time dependent on level.

Step II: The Furnishings

A variety of funerary equipment is required for a proper reincarnation.

Basic equipment:

  • Two statues of the decedent, representing the present and future-self.
  • Five magical bricks, representing the five stats.
  • Eight Magical Urns, representing the eight skills.
  • A Phylactery, to hold their soul in case the body is ever destroyed.
  • Various scrolls depending on the player's race, class, and other factors.

In addition, the body will need:

  • For Tier I: An inner-coffin made of wood, and an outer-coffin made of rough stone
  • For Tier II: An inner-coffin made of gilded wood, and an outer-coffin made of smooth stone
  • For Tier III: An inner-coffin made of solid gold, an outer-coffin made of gilded stone, and an outermost sarcophagus made of decorated stone.

The coffins must then be draped with a special blanket and sit inside a series of decorated shrines. Like the statues, the two innermost shrines represent the present and future self. The third shrine is the Guardian Shrine. For each tier above one, an additional Guardian Shrine must be added, for a total of five shrines on a Tier III.

The innermost guardian shrine is leather with gold accents, the second shrine is gilded silver, and the third gilded in gold.

All furnishings can be bought from an NPC vendor, who will ask you to gather various items in order to craft your funerary equipment.

Step III: The Journey

Now the character may begin truly planning for his death. The first step is to establish a series of way-points between the starting area for the race into which he plans to reincarnate and his mortuary temple. The number of way points required is eight plus one for each tier of reincarnation. Once all the way-points have been set, the path will appear on the tomb walls.

Step IV: Death and Resurrection

Now begins the final step. The character must gather a number of other characters to attend his funerary banquette. This requires only a few minutes, but at least three times the reincarnation tier must be present (9 for Tier III, 6 for Tier II, etc) must come to the mortuary temple or shrine and be there at the same time, long enough to click on a stella.

Once this process is complete, the number of characters and their names will be recorded on the funerary stela and placed permanently in the temple. The character now enters perma-death mode, and the very next time he or she dies, they will resurrect.

Step V: The Final Return

The character has now reincarnated as a new character with the same name, but none of his or her former abilities or memories. They begin in the starter area like always, and must complete all of the starter-quests.

From there, the character must then follow the path laid out by his former self, hitting all of the established way-points. Once this is completed, he gains whatever abilities his level of reincarnation bestows upon him.

BTC items can be accessed right away from the character bank in the starter area.


And form of reincarnation allows you to transfer all bound-to-character items from one life to the next. Since land and buildings are owned by players(accounts) and not individual characters, they may simply place anything they wish to keep in storage at their house.

Items In the Tomb

The character may not enter his own tomb. Other characters belonging to the player may in order to relocate the body. Items buried on the corpse can never be retrieved, and are effectively gone forever.

If a player only purchased land for their tomb and does not posses a house, they can place a number of chests inside an annex to the tomb that can be accessed after re-incarnation is completed. This is the only time a character may enter their own tomb.

Multiple Reincarnations

Players may re-incarnate multiple times, but the benefits of reincarnation do not always stack. In order to achieve a fully stacking reincarnation, they must construct an entirely new tomb.

Characters may also recycle old tombs, clear them out, loose the bonuses, and reincarnate a second time as though they were doing it again for the very first time. Any items buried on the original body are lost forever, but they can re-use any funerary equipment.

Mortuary Temples

The mortuary temple is not required for the re-incarnated character after the fifth step is completed. However, if it is maintained by bringing offers to the temple, the the character can maintain various additional buffs based on items placed inside the tomb, current level, etc.

Mortuary Temple Buffs

Characters can receive buffs based on their own level and the level at which the character who's temple they are visiting reincarnated at. The buff is 1 stat point +1 for each three levels, up to the level at which the character reincarnated. So if the plaer reincarnated at 24, you could get a +9 bonus if you were also title

Example: a level 1 character can bring an offering to his past self's tomb to receive a +1 bonus to strength. This bonus applies to unbuffed strength and persists through zoning, deaths, and logging out, until the offering decays and must be replaced.

Additionally, other characters may receive similar buffs. As long as there is an offering at the temple, any character may visit the temple to receive a buff that lasts until logout but does not persist through death.

Mortuary buffs do not stack with each other, however a character may have a different buff applied to each stat.

See Also: