Transclusion Testing

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Sample markup text for named section transclusion.

Example 1

Transclude an entire page:

Tullona was a planet in The World in a remote, backwater star system. It was visited by the Saratoga during the short story Echoes. Though all life on the planet was wiped out in the late Sixth Age, a good chunk of their central database was retrieved by the Saratoga, allowing the art, music, and culture to live on.

Example 2

Transclude just the first section of a page:

Following the end of the Mage Wars and the founding of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance, a new calender was adopted. The calender evolved slowly over the first thousand years and as the Golden Age drew to a close, a system of 'Ages' was established, with an Age lasting approximately 1000 years.

All dates are given according to the A.Y. System.

Though primarily used during the Alliance, the term "Age" had been in common use since time immemorial, with many prominent Eras still colloquially known as "The age of [Blank].

Example 3

Transclude a subsection of a page:

The First Age passed into the Second Age with the reformation of the Alliance and the establishment of a new order.

Year 1 of the Second Age: the Sparrowhawk-class fighter is officially removed from production but remains in niche rôles in active service. The last Sparrowhawk will not be decomissioned until A.Y. 2152.

Year 4 of the Second Age: the Alliance Space Commission and the Merchant Marine are officially formed.

Year 9 of the Second Age: the Ancient Studies Foundation is formally given a charter by the Alliance.

Year 20 of the Second Age: Pendragon Scott Sagen dies.

Year 63 of the Second Age: Historian Hermiod publishes his Tracts of the Dragon for to Slay, the first major treatise on the early Slayer Dragons. His book was well-received by poorly-researched.

Year 71 of the Second Age: On a distant world once part of the Marcon Alliance, the tomb of Lelerough, Destroyer of Worlds is found completely intact. Her body is eventually returned home to The Dragonlands, and buried with great honor.

Year 85 of the Second Age: the Legions of Terror are made a formal unit within the Gudersnipe Crimson Blade.

Year 103 of the Second Age: Lelerough's body is re-interred with great honor.

Year 103 of the Second Age: nine dragon flights attempt to resettle The Dragonlands, naming their flights after the nine who first established the empire.

Year 105 of the Second Age: Merres and Ella Cornwall claim to discover the Horn of Agraya

Year 113 of the Second Age: The Athenaeus Shipyard opens as the Alliance's oldest shipyard.

Year 121 of the Second Age: The first official MEAN series of vehicles is pressed into active service: the M.E.A.N. 1.

Year 148 of the Second Age: The Library of Arindell is established.

Year 150 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is born.

Year 152 of the Second Age: the last Sparrowhawk fighter is decommissioned.

Year 157 of the Second Age: a dam is constructed on the Little Treonas in an effort to promote agriculture in the region.

Year 165 of the Second Age: Eeb Fudd popularizes the notion of The Marcon Conspiracy.

Year 166 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is anointed the youngest Slayer Dragon in history.

Year 185 of the Second Age: Nate Messer leads the famous Messer Expedition to attempt to reach Lake Bentika by sea. His team penetrate nearly a thousand miles up the Nara River before being stopped by cataracts.

Year 201 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is anointed Pendragon of Slayer Dragons.

Year 207 of the Second Age: the newly-established flights in The Dragonlands discover that the Marcons have salted the earth, and the region is now uninhabitable. The flights relocate to new eeries on islands surrounding The Dragon Sea and in the mountain ranges that border there old lands.

Year 211 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton is born.

Year 217 of the Second Age: a clandestine 'Society of Assassins' emerges throughout the Multi-Verse, selling death at a reasonable price. The Society is suspected to have ties to the long-extinct Order of Wizard Breakers.

Year 220 of the Second Age: the Arcol Steppe Authority is formed to put an end to looting in the Arcol region.

Year 229 of the Second Age: the Assassin's Guild leads a sting operation that proves the existence of the Society of Assassins once and for all. The sting, known as the Venta Event involved agents of the Guild; the Office of Special Operations; the Nonlinear Security Agency; and several major Alliance agencies, including the First File and the Slayer Dragons.

Year 230 of the Second Age: Hiayto Merrick of the Society of Assassins officially declares war on the Gudersnipe Foundation and the Assassin's Guild.

Year 231 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton is anointed a Slayer Dragon.

Year 242 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac dies.

Year 242 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton becomes Pendragon.

Year 266 of the Second Age: Construction begins on the Grand Temple of Mendalla in the city of Phal.

Year 270 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is born.

Year 293 of the Second Age: in a rare show of diplomacy, the Gudersnipe Foundation agrees to remove its dreaded Boing-Boing missile from active warships and bases.

Year 295 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is anointed a Slayer Dragon.

Year 302 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton dies.

Year 302 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is anointed Pendragon of Slayer Dragons.

Year 345 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is established.

Year 347 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie dies.

Year 402 of the Second Age: The Deep Blue Library Incident

Year 500 of the Second Age: The Laughter at Lowland Vale

Year 532 of the Second Age: Construction completed on the Grand Temple of Mendalla in the city of Phal.

Year 544-547 of the Second Age: Lous Brenom butchers over 2 billion of his own citizens as part of an "ethnic cleansing". The Gudersnipe Foundation dispatches one of the largest fleets ever assembled to stop it. This marks the first time in history when a mothership is made an official part of a deployment.

Year 729 of the Second Age: Kuu-Allaa is re-discovered.

Year 800 of the Second Age: Honoreck rises as a lich and becomes the leader of the Grey Temple necromancers.

Year 823 of the Second Age: A series of loose city-states alies to form the Midon Republic, applies for and gains admittance to the Alliance.

Year 889 of the Second Age: the Gudersnipe Foundation Kordron Accords on the flat dimension of Kordron on The Outer Rim.

Year 914 of the Second Age: the Kordron Accords are finally brought to a close.

Year 929 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is hidden by Pendragon Lafiet.

Year 940 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is established by Pendragon Lafiet in the last year of his life.

Year 999 of the Second Age: the Second Age ends and the Third Age begins.