MRPG Activated Abilities

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Note: This needs to be re-tooled to cover the new star-rating system. Activated Abilities no longer have a stat-check, they have a star-check.

An Activated Ability is a race or class-based ability. Some can be unlocked through facets.

Each character class begins with 2 specific abilities and earns 2 more(one at Rank I and the other at Rank II). There is no limit to how many a character can know, but the rest must be purchased with facets.

Star Ratings

Every unit has a star rating associated with it that denotes how powerful it is verses effects. Not all activated abilities require a star check, only those that involve either a specific effect or direct contact with the enemy.

Example: Blind has a star check because you are attempting to blind an opponent. Stronger enemies = harder to blind. Multi-Shot does not, because you are only firing multiple arrows, and this can be done towards anything.

Star ratings are [encapsulated by brackets]

Cool Downs

Cool Downs for activated abilities are usually based on a per day, per rest, or per cooldown (with lengthy cooldowns). Cool downs are |encapsulated by bars|.

General Abilities

  • Blind: you attempt to disorient your enemy and blind them for a length of time. If the Blind attempt is successful it results in blindness lasting for 1d6 rounds, plus any bonuses. Blinding requires an alchemical agent known as blinding powder. [1 Star + Rank] |Cool Down 6|
  • Poison: you huck a bottle of poison at your enemy, attempting to poison him! This was perhaps not the best thought-out strategy. This ability effects only Mortal creatures with the base effect and potion. [3 Stars + Rank]. |Cool Down 4|
  • Knockdown: you attempt to knock your enemy over, shoving them to the ground. You can knockdown any enemy with a Star rate less than your Strength modifier.If the Knockdown attempt is successful, it results in a knocked-down status lasting 1d3 seconds per rank, plus any bonuses to the knockdown timer(unlike other effects, bonuses to the knockdown ability do not apply to the knockdown timer). [Star = STR Mod -1]|Cool Down 6|
  • Impact: an AOE-version of knockdown, affecting everyone in direct contact with the user. Has the same rules as Knockdown. -1 STR modifier per enemy being affects, then check against each target(If a character has STR mod of 7, they want to use Impact against 3 targets, the targets must be 4 star or lower.)[Star = STR Mod -1 per target] |Cool Down 8|
  • Potion Weapon: you huck an offensive potion at a target. This is a different ability than poison because shut up. See Potion Weapons for a full list. This ability has no star rating because you are throwing a glass bottle. |Cool Down 3|

Combat Abilities


  • Injure: you aim your next blow for a specific weak spot, attempting to injure your enemy and reduce their fighting ability. Mage Wars PnP:An Injury attempt must be coupled with a normal attack, and the player must announce that they are attempting the injury before making the attack. Players may also make a flourish attempt for the injury check. Mage Wars RPG: Activating the Injure Ability causes a normal attack to occur, the attack must be successful to trigger the injury check. The Injury check is (Weapon Skill x Buffed Strength Modifier) vs. (Target AC). If successful, the target is Injured, and suffers 50% reduced movement speed and 50% reduced Attack for 1d6 seconds plus weapon damage. [10 Stars]. |Cool Down 6|
  • Sneak Attack: you must be standing behind your target to activate this ability. You gain a +20 per rank bonus to AV. If the attack is successful, it deals double-damage. [5 Star + rank]. |Cool Down 6|
  • Brutish Stomp: you slam your foot down, momentarily pinning the enemy while you unleash a furious blow. Can only be carried out with a melee weapon size Medium or above. This attack bypasses DV and automatically succeeds. AC is unaffected. [Star = STR Mod - 1].|Cool Down 8|


  • Multi-Shot: Can only be used while wielding a bow. You make a single attack roll, but instead fire 2 + Rank arrows at your target. |Cool Down 6|
  • Careful Aim: Can be used with any ranged weapon. You pause to focus your eyes and hone in on your target. This ability costs 1 movement point and adds 3 additional Attack Dice. |Cool Down 3|
  • Full Round Aim: Can be used with any ranged weapon. Ignoring all distractions, you stand perfectly still and draw down on a target. You declare Full Round Aim on one round and take no other actions. The next Round you begin with the shot and pay 1 action(you may still attack normally for 1 action). This attack adds 5 automatic 8s to your attack roll. |Cool Down 3|


  • Power Attack: you pour all of your strength into this next blow. (Note: requires any weapon that makes contact, cannot be ranged). This ability also requires a normal attack, if successful, it deals double damage. You take 2d20 damage from the exertion. |Cool Down 6|
  • Disarm: you attempt to rip the weapon from your enemy's hand. If the Disarm attempt is successful, it results in 1d8 seconds of disarm per rank, plus any bonuses not coming from the weapon(some weapons have inherent Disarm bonuses). [4 Star + STR Mod, + Weapon enhancements]. |Cool Down 10|

Magic Abilities

  • Enforce: The next spell you cast gains an automatic Success, bypassing the target's DV. It can still be evaded. If this ability is not used with a spell that has only a single target, it has no effect. |Cool Down 6|
  • Wit: the next Slow-Cast spell you cast is cast as though it were Fast-Cast. |Cool Down 6|
  • Quiet: the target becomes unable to cast spells for a certain amount of time. [3 Stars + Rank] |Cool Down 6|
  • Silence: the target becomes unable to cast spells or use activated abilities.[1 star + rank] |Cool Down 5|


Talents are Activated Abilities that mimic the effects of spells. Once activated, it functions like the spell was cast. However, the Cooldown is a generic cool down and the spell does not have to be memorized or prepared like a magical spell. Talents can also effect higher star units.

Special Abilities

These are abilities granted through the use of Pillars.

  • Singing Bell Strike: You swing your weapon in a mighty arc at everything around you. Any enemy within range automatically rolls 5 damage dice and suffers -10 DV. You then roll Attack, if a single enemy fails to avoid the hit, all of them take damage. |Cool Down 6| Gideon Codex First Order Ability
  • Meditation: You drop to your knees and enter a serene, trance-like state. If used in combat, you meditate for five rounds and regain 1d6 x 10% of your hit points(10-60 percent). If used outside of combat you gain back a full 60% of your hit points. |Cool Down 20, 1 Hour.| Bushido Fourth Order Ability
  • Fines Attack: You make a complex, elaborate, and esthetically beautiful attack. If you have the Spare Fingered Fist Facet, you may count each 12 as 2 seperate points when rolling your attack. If combined with a Level III or higher Flourish, this attack is an automatic hit. |Cool Down 6| Bushido Eighth Order Ability
  • Called Shot: The next Ranged Attack you make hits automatically, regardless of DV. Must be stationary. |Cool Down 2| Called Shot Focus First Order Ability
  • Hide in Daylight: As a Free Action, you distract anyone targeting you with such grace and finesse that you become effectively invisible, even if standing in the middle of a crowded, well-lit room. Even opponents actively looking for you will be shocked and confused as to why you have vanished. Magical seeing effects can detect this deception. Sneaky First Order Ability
  • Ignored Nuisance: You have successfully deceived one enemy into believing you pose no threat at all. For 1d20 rounds, you may attack a single target without generating any threat. The target and all others will ignore you. A special attack or critical hit will jar the target and force them to take notice. WorldShaper Notes: for added fun, roll the d20 for your player, and don't tell them how many rounds they have! |Cool Down: once per day| Stabby First Order Ability

See Also: