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The Pendragon is the leader of the Slayer Dragons. The official title is Pendragon of Slayer Dragons. Typically a Pendragon will serve several years as a Slayer Dragon before taking up the sword. The Sword Excalibur is the badge of rank for the Pendragon. The current Pendragon is typically reffered to as the "carrying-Pendragon" becuase he carries the sword.

List of Pendragons

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List of Pendragons and years of service:

Uther, First Pendragon, annointed S.D.C. 0, served B.G.A. 6 - A.Y. 157, 63 years total

Aden Searlin, annointed S.D.C. 62, served A.Y. 157-181, 24 years total

Jayce Spearlock, annointed S.D.C. 86, served A.Y. 181-1111, 30 years total.

Astrid Stador, annointed S.D.C. 116, served A.Y. 1111-1138, 28 years total.

Genghis Sater, annointed S.D.C. 485, served A.Y. 1480-1529, 49 years total.

Scott Sagen, annointed S.D.C. 975, served A.Y. 1970-211, 41 years total, second Pendragon to serve during two Ages.

Anthony Trac, annointed S.D.C. 1204, served A.Y. 2201-2242, 41 years total.

Robert Desaradie annointed S.D.C. 1306, served A.Y. 2302-2347, 45 years total.

Uremer Lafiet, annointed S.D.C. 1943, served A.Y. 2940-2991, 51 years total, Political Age of the Slayer Dragons

Lal Soratami, annointed S.D.C. 2378, served A.Y. 3375-3417, 42 years total.

Lydia Lionheart, S.D.C. 5045, served A.Y. 642 to A.Y. 667, 25 years total.

Ian Riley, annointed S.D.C. 5814, served A.Y. 6811-6873, 62 years total.

Hokori, annointed S.D.C. 5876, served A.Y. 6873-6910, 47 years total.

Hunter Jusenkyou, annointed S.D.C. 5914, served A.Y. 6910-6960, 50 years total.