Following the end of the Mage Wars and the founding of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance, a new calender was adopted. The calender evolved slowly over the first thousand years and as the Golden Age drew to a close, a system of 'Ages' was established, with an Age lasting approximately 1000 years.
All dates are given according to the A.Y. System.
Though primarily used during the Alliance, the term "Age" had been in common use since time immemorial, with many prominent Eras still colloquially known as "The age of [Blank].
The Ages of the Alliance
Golden Age
The Golden Age is the first Age of the Alliance. The term was coined by Eieber, who announced upon ending the Mage Wars that "A new golden age has begun!", though history would prove his statement somewhat inaccurate. The Golden Age is also the First Age as it was the first Age to follow the Mage Wars. Though not formalized until nearly 1000 years later, Eieber's Golden Age would set the standard for the A.Y. System and the system of Ages.
Year 0 of the Age of Mages: Eieber, the First Pendragon, leads the Slayer Dragons and an army of Paladins to end the Mage Wars and establish a new era in the World of Life in which those with magic shall not rule over those without. The Mage Wars end and the Golden Age begins.
Year 1 of the Golden Age: construction begins of the city of Arindell.
Year 2 of the Golden Age: the Battle of the Sanguine Gulch is the last official battle of the Mage Wars.
Year 10 of the Golden Age: Laytami Gudersnipe completes his assessment and cataloguing of land-holdings and resources captured during the Mage Wars, and officially establishes the Gudersnipe Foundation.
Year 12 of the Golden Age: Phal is founded on Nos Vorm and the region formally enters the Alliance.
Year 16 of the Golden Age: Aden Searlin is born.
Year 24 of the Golden Age: Valley Gale Keep is established in the new city of Arindell, and the Slayer Dragons allow the election of the Ruling Council to oversee matters of state.
Year 27 of the Golden Age: the Ruling Council collapses under countless layers of bureaucracy and widespread corruption.
Year 32 of the Golden Age: the Ministry of Earth replaces the Ruling Council.
Year 34 of the Golden Age: the Library of Arindell is established by Eieber.
Year 35 of the Golden Age: Valley Gale Keep is completed.
Year 36 of the Golden Age: the Ministry of Earth collapses under countless layers of bureaucracy and widespread corruption. Eieber declares that the Slayer Dragons shall rule the world under the ideals of Truth, Liberty, and Justice.
Year 40 of the Golden Age: The Lunar and Solar calendars align for the first time in Alliance history on Aren
Year 40 of the Golden Age: Jayce Spearlock is born.
Year 43 of the Golden Age: Aden Searlin is anointed a Slayer Dragon
Year 50 of the Golden Age: Eieber decrees all members of his alliance must use a standardized calendar based on the Atayan system.
Year 57 of the Golden Age: Eieber, the First Pendragon of the Slayer Dragons, dies in his 90th year of life, on the 57th anniversary of the end of the Mage Wars.
Year 57 of the Golden Age: Aden Searlin becomes the second Pendragon.
Year 58 of the Golden Age: the power vacuum created by the death of Eieber brings the government near collapse. Aden Searlin, second Pendragon of Slayer Dragons, does not command nearly the same respect and admiration as Eieber. With but days to save the old alliance, Aden presents the Earth Sphere Unified Nations plan. Imperfect, and a stop-gap at best, this proposal succeeds in maintaining the peace until a more permanent council can be established.
Year 71 of the Golden Age: Jayce Spearlock is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 72 of the Golden Age: Astrid Stador is born.
Year 81 of the Golden Age: Aden Searlin dies.
Year 81 of the Golden Age: Jayce Spearlock becomes Pendragon.
Year 90 of the Golden Age: Jayce Spearlock creates the Slayer Dragon Count, a calendar system to track the Slayer Dragons. His count begins with B.G.A. 6 as a year 0, thus making A.Y. 190 S.D.C. 95.
Year 91 of the Golden Age: First law governing dueling created in Arindell.
Year 102 of the Golden Age: Astrid Stador is anointed a Slayer Dragon
Year 107 of the Golden Age: a Cult of the Dracolitch is found in Layloma.
Year 110 of the Golden Age: Emily is born.
Year 110 of the Golden Age: Astrid Stador is called to Layloma to help fight the Cult of the Dracolitch.
Year 111 of the Golden Age: Eul-Speak, Inc. established by the Gudersnipe Foundation
Year 111 of the Golden Age: Jayce Spearlock dies.
Year 111 of the Golden Age: Astrid Stador becomes the first female Pendragon in history.
Year 135 of the Golden Age: Emily is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 137 of the Golden Age: The remote village of Mehi is abandoned.
Year 138 of the Golden Age: Astrid Stador dies.
Year 138 of the Golden Age: Emily becomes Pendragon.
Year 138 of the Golden Age: Darious Iscanzas is born.
Year 154 of the Golden Age: Johan Teague is born.
Year 210 of the Golden Age: Emily dies.
Year 216 of the Golden Age: Landon Aldis is born.
Year 231 of the Golden Age: the Sauro-Taru are rendered extinct.
Year 238 of the Golden Age: Landon Aldis is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 258 of the Golden Age: Landon Aldis is anointed Pendragon
Year 263 of the Golden Age: Colby Holman is born.
Year 293 of the Golden Age: Colby Holman is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 298 of the Golden Age: the Earth Sphere Unified Nations agreement ceases to exist as a functional entity and begins a long and painful collapse. The process begins when the Gudersnipe Foundation, once a formal signatory, officially withdraws from the agreement.
Year 298 of the Golden Age: The so-called Golden Age of the Slayer Dragons begins.
Year 300 of the Golden Age: Landon Aldis dies.
Year 300 of the Golden Age: Colby Holman is anointed Pendragon.
Year 322 of the Golden Age: first written account of the Alliance of Mages
Year 325 of the Golden Age: Colby Holman is killed in a vicious gang brawl.
Year 435 of the Golden Age: Genghis Sater is born.
Year 461 of the Golden Age: Genghis Sater is anointed a Slayer Dragon
Year 480 of the Golden Age: Genghis Sater becomes Pendragon.
Year 484 of the Golden Age: Genghis Sater orders the creation of the Known Worlds Zombie Event Scale in order to clasify ongoing issues of necromancy run amok.
Year 500 of the Golden Age: Kenneth Winter is born.
Year 501 of the Golden Age: the Gudersnipe Foundation begins production of the Sparrowhawk-class Fighter Interceptor.
Year 512 of the Golden Age: the Ritats develop FTL.
Year 517 of the Golden Age: Kenneth Winter is annointed as the youngest Slayer Dragon in history.
Year 527 of the Golden Age: Kenneth Winter becomes the first Slayer Dragon to die in battle.
Year 529 of the Golden Age: Genghis Sater dies.
Year 599 of the Golden Age: famed explorer Finious Aberton visits the ruins of Centered, jewel of the Marcon Alliance, and returns with acute radiation syndrome, indicating that the site is still poisoned.
Year 729 of the Golden Age: The Ma-makar Separatists overthrow the democratically elected government of Korrinth, replacing it with a brutal military junta.
Year 732 of the Golden Age: The Battle of the Brutish Sea threatens to destabilize the Alliance.
Year 872 of the Golden Age: the Gudersnipe Foundation completes the GATE network and opens it to the general public for a reasonable fee.
Year 897 of the Golden Age: The Ritats emerge as a major space-power just in time for the ninety-nine-years war.
Year 898 of the Golden Age: The Golden Age of the Slayer Dragons ends.
Year 899 of the Golden Age: The Earth Sphere Unified Nations ceases to exist. An era known as the ninety-nine-years war. This intermediary period saw very little actual fighting, but massive military buildups and posturing. For a long time, it seemed a new beginning to the Mage Wars was all but inevitable.
Year 934 of the Golden Age: Scott Sagen is born.
Year 952 of the Golden Age: G.S.S. Mercury becomes the very first Mercury Ship ever comissioned.
Year 958 of the Golden Age: Scott Sagen is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 991 of the Golden Age: Scott Sagen is made Pendragon.
Year 998 of the Golden Age: the Golden Age of the Slayer Dragons ends.
Year 998 of the Golden Age: under the leadership of Pendragon Scott Sagen, the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance is finally established. With a complex system of checks and balances, the Alliance finally stands a chance of lasting peace. The Golden Age comes to an end. The Second Age begins.
The Second Age
The First Age passed into the Second Age with the reformation of the Alliance and the establishment of a new order.
Year 1 of the Second Age: the Sparrowhawk-class fighter is officially removed from production but remains in niche rôles in active service. The last Sparrowhawk will not be decomissioned until A.Y. 2152.
Year 4 of the Second Age: the Alliance Space Commission and the Merchant Marine are officially formed.
Year 9 of the Second Age: the Ancient Studies Foundation is formally given a charter by the Alliance.
Year 20 of the Second Age: Pendragon Scott Sagen dies.
Year 63 of the Second Age: Historian Hermiod publishes his Tracts of the Dragon for to Slay, the first major treatise on the early Slayer Dragons. His book was well-received by poorly-researched.
Year 71 of the Second Age: On a distant world once part of the Marcon Alliance, the tomb of Lelerough, Destroyer of Worlds is found completely intact. Her body is eventually returned home to The Dragonlands, and buried with great honor.
Year 85 of the Second Age: the Legions of Terror are made a formal unit within the Gudersnipe Crimson Blade.
Year 103 of the Second Age: Lelerough's body is re-interred with great honor.
Year 103 of the Second Age: nine dragon flights attempt to resettle The Dragonlands, naming their flights after the nine who first established the empire.
Year 105 of the Second Age: Merres and Ella Cornwall claim to discover the Horn of Agraya
Year 113 of the Second Age: The Athenaeus Shipyard opens as the Alliance's oldest shipyard.
Year 121 of the Second Age: The first official MEAN series of vehicles is pressed into active service: the M.E.A.N. 1.
Year 148 of the Second Age: The Library of Arindell is established.
Year 150 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is born.
Year 152 of the Second Age: the last Sparrowhawk fighter is decommissioned.
Year 157 of the Second Age: a dam is constructed on the Little Treonas in an effort to promote agriculture in the region.
Year 165 of the Second Age: Eeb Fudd popularizes the notion of The Marcon Conspiracy.
Year 166 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is anointed the youngest Slayer Dragon in history.
Year 185 of the Second Age: Nate Messer leads the famous Messer Expedition to attempt to reach Lake Bentika by sea. His team penetrate nearly a thousand miles up the Nara River before being stopped by cataracts.
Year 201 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac is anointed Pendragon of Slayer Dragons.
Year 207 of the Second Age: the newly-established flights in The Dragonlands discover that the Marcons have salted the earth, and the region is now uninhabitable. The flights relocate to new eeries on islands surrounding The Dragon Sea and in the mountain ranges that border there old lands.
Year 211 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton is born.
Year 217 of the Second Age: a clandestine 'Society of Assassins' emerges throughout the Multi-Verse, selling death at a reasonable price. The Society is suspected to have ties to the long-extinct Order of Wizard Breakers.
Year 220 of the Second Age: the Arcol Steppe Authority is formed to put an end to looting in the Arcol region.
Year 229 of the Second Age: the Assassin's Guild leads a sting operation that proves the existence of the Society of Assassins once and for all. The sting, known as the Venta Event involved agents of the Guild; the Office of Special Operations; the Nonlinear Security Agency; and several major Alliance agencies, including the First File and the Slayer Dragons.
Year 230 of the Second Age: Hiayto Merrick of the Society of Assassins officially declares war on the Gudersnipe Foundation and the Assassin's Guild.
Year 231 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 242 of the Second Age: Anthony Trac dies.
Year 242 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton becomes Pendragon.
Year 266 of the Second Age: Construction begins on the Grand Temple of Mendalla in the city of Phal.
Year 270 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is born.
Year 293 of the Second Age: in a rare show of diplomacy, the Gudersnipe Foundation agrees to remove its dreaded Boing-Boing missile from active warships and bases.
Year 295 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 302 of the Second Age: Sydnee Stanton dies.
Year 302 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie is anointed Pendragon of Slayer Dragons.
Year 345 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is established.
Year 347 of the Second Age: Robert Desaradie dies.
Year 402 of the Second Age: The Deep Blue Library Incident
Year 500 of the Second Age: The Laughter at Lowland Vale
Year 532 of the Second Age: Construction completed on the Grand Temple of Mendalla in the city of Phal.
Year 544-547 of the Second Age: Lous Brenom butchers over 2 billion of his own citizens as part of an "ethnic cleansing". The Gudersnipe Foundation dispatches one of the largest fleets ever assembled to stop it. This marks the first time in history when a mothership is made an official part of a deployment.
Year 729 of the Second Age: Kuu-Allaa is re-discovered.
Year 800 of the Second Age: Honoreck rises as a lich and becomes the leader of the Grey Temple necromancers.
Year 823 of the Second Age: A series of loose city-states alies to form the Midon Republic, applies for and gains admittance to the Alliance.
Year 889 of the Second Age: the Gudersnipe Foundation Kordron Accords on the flat dimension of Kordron on The Outer Rim.
Year 914 of the Second Age: the Kordron Accords are finally brought to a close.
Year 929 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is hidden by Pendragon Lafiet.
Year 940 of the Second Age: the Library of Arindell is established by Pendragon Lafiet in the last year of his life.
Year 999 of the Second Age: the Second Age ends and the Third Age begins.
The Third Age
As the Second Age was the first complete Age to use the now standard A.Y. System, there was far less confusion when the Third Age Began, and for the first time people all over the Alliance could celebrate the passing of one Age into another together.
Year 7 of the Third Age: the Grand Temple of Mendalla in the city of Phal is razed during a great riot, ending the veneration of Mendalla on Nos Vorm and leading to a rapid decline in the religion throughout the known worlds.
Year 15 of the Third Age: the WorldCraft Terraforming Firm begins construction on its new fleet of ships. The new ships will take a thousand years to complete.
Year 212 of the Third Age: Arden Song admits that it does not have The Metal Maiden and may never have had it.
Necromanic Wars Start Here Year 272 of the Third Age: the now widespread practice of Necromancy reaches a boiling point, and the Grey Temple plunges the entire multi-verse into the Necromanic Wars.
Year 280 of the Third Age: G.S.S. Hisparta is dispatched to survey Drunlake.
Year 346 of the Third Age: the ruins of a Rinoin city are uncovered, proving for the first time that the Rinoin civilization existed in fact, and shedding new light on one of history's great pecularities.
Year 350 of the Third Age: Lal Soratami is born.
Year 360 of the Third Age: Liaka Maru is born.
Year 370 of the Third Age: Layloma Empire erupts into civil war.
Year 375 of the Third Age: Lal Soratami is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 377 of the Third Age: Liaka Maru arrives in Arindell, and brings word of the dire situation on Nos Vorm to the attention of the Alliance.
Year 378 of the Third Age: the Layloma Empire, which has been in a state of civil war, is finally formally dissolved, dividing into Kiatra, Senega, and Lumot.
Year 380 of the Third Age: an alliance between the Green Temple and the Slayer Dragons ends the Necromanic Wars, and the Grey Temple falls.
Necromanic Wars End Here - 108 Years
Year 381 of the Third Age: The Sasened Mission to Nos Vorm succeeds in ending the Necromanic Wars there.
Year 382 of the Third Age: Civil war breaks out across Nos Vorm
Year 384 of the Third Age: the Gorbash Flight forms on the Gorbash Steppe as an off-shoot of several major dragon flights.
Year 385 of the Third Age: Iami attempts to colonize Geth.
Year 392 of the Third Age: a GS surveillance satellite captures 0.3 seconds of sensor data on a mysterious vessel known only as the Adam Cadman II. Sightings of the vessel have been made all over the known worlds, but this is the first encounter with advanced sensor technology.
Year 397 of the Third Age: Colony on Geth declared a miserable failure, declared a "remote autonomous region" and left to the devices of the few remaining holdouts.
Year 411 of the Third Age: Soratami, a Slayer Dragon anointed during the Necromancy Wars, becomes Pendragon and outlaws Necromancy. The Green Temple falls.
Year 425 of the Third Age: the last free Necromancy Temple is destroyed. A Necromancer Temple is established in Arindell as the last bastion of Necromancy in the World of Life.
Year 437 of the Third Age: Lal Soratami dies.
Year 442 of the Third Age: after 50 years of study, sensor data from the Adam Cadman II encounter leads to a technological explosion, culminating in a 10-fold increase in the speed of FTL drives.
Year 581 of the Third Age: the human city of Kladeth begins as a small colonial settlement.
Year 611 of the Third Age: on Nos Vorm, the Phal Fidel Unified Nations are finally restored to power, and a bloody period of civil war draws to a close.
Year 701 of the Third Age: Geth declares its independence from Iami.
Year 777 of the Third Age: the Library of Arindell is established.
Year 812 of the Third Age: Kumono Sorenio is born.
Year 838 of the Third Age: Kumono is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 864 of the Third Age: the first official iteration of the Condor-class fighter reaches production, and sets the Production Sublight Speed Record, a title it holds for the next thousand years.
Year 851 of the Third Age: Advanced Dynamics is founded to build and supply colonies for the Alliance.
Year 870 of the Third Age: Kumono becomes Pendragon.
Year 884 of the Third Age: Pendragon Kumono, along with a representative from the High Mountain Flight, travels to the troubled human city of Kladeth and negotiates a treaty with the Warsong Flight. Kladeth is renamed 'Warsong'.
Year 900 of the Third Age: Kumono dies.
Year 900-990 of the Third Age: Over a ninety-year timespan, the Slayer Dragons give more of their political power to the elected officialls of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance, to relieve the Slayer Dragons of their political burden and free them for more important work. Unfortunately, in giving up their political power, they lose much of the millitary authority that made them able to complete their objectives.
Year 991 of the Third Age: the Parceltongue Institute is founded on Kladeth.
Year 997 of the Third Age: Advanced Dynamics declares bankruptcy and is bought out by the Gudersnipe Foundation.
Year 999 of the Third Age: The Third Age ends and the Fourth Age begins.
The Fourth Age
Much like the Second into the Third, no real significant events happen at the change from Third to Fourth; it is merely another passing of the calendrical cycle.
Year 3 of the Fourth Age: official diplomatic contact is re-established with Nos Vorm.
Year 15 of the Fourth Age: right on schedule, the WorldCraft Terraforming Firm completes construction of its new generation of terraforming ships.
Year 74 of the Fourth Age: Herbet Patric Galactis authors a series of books on the history of the Golden Age and the Mage Wars; this becomes known as the Accepted Histories and is the primary authority on that era.
Year 86 of the Fourth Age: Lacroix Brennt travels to the Parseltongue Institute to study, and ends up buying it.
Year 107 of the Fourth Age: The Mabach Consortium gains voting majority in six publicly-traded mega-corporations, forming Mabach Micoru, and beginning The Corporate Era.
Year 109 of the Fourth Age: construction begins on Cantilever Station.
Year 277 of the Fourth Age: Hermen Scopal becomes the first non-Gudersnipe-Graduate to attain the rank of Admiral Commodore.
Year 334 of the Fourth Age: the human city of Zathra is established in the Nara River delta. Despite being the only settlment for thousands of miles, it manages to flourish.
Year 380 of the Fourth Age: Yule Steinheart.
Year 464 of the Fourth Age: Sheila Galet is born.
Year 478 of the Fourth Age: the Gargoyle-class midrange bomber is completed after 50 years of development.
Year 479 of the Fourth Age: first publication of Yule Steinheart's On Dragonology.
Year 487 of the Fourth age: Sheila Galet is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 489 of the Fourth Age: The Kamian Home world is destroyed by a joint Alliance-Gudersnipe fleet led by the school’s new super weapon: a Mercury Ship called the Roger Young.
Year 500 of the Fourth Age: Sheila Galet is anointed as Pendragon.
Year 508 of the Fourth Age: the Kamian Federation dissolves and officially withdraws from sight, begining a long period of strict isolationism from the known worlds.
Year 509 of the Fourth Age: the Gargoyle-class fighter is shelved pending further need in the Foundation's strategic arsenal.
Year 529 of the Fourth Age: Andrei Ransom is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 537 of the Fourth Age: Sheila Galet dies.
Year 537 of the Fourth Age: Andrei Ransom becomes Pendragon.
Year 562 of the Fourth Age: the Library of Arindell is established.
C. Year 570 of the Fourth Age: Marcus Ransom discovers the Altronis Corpocracy.
C. Year 575 of the Fourth Age: the Altronis Corpocracy are destroyed; Altronis rejoins the Alliance.
Year 705 of the Fourth Age: the Corporate Wars begin.
Year 709 of the Fourth Age: the Corporate Wars are brought to swift and decisive end by a Coalition Fleet.
Year 807 of the Fourth Age: Furkea Meraki is founded.
Year 829 of the Fourth Age: Furkea Meraki declares bankruptcy, leaving behind a legacy of massive safety violations.
Year 999 of the Fourth Age: the Fourth Age ends and the Fifth Age Begins. The Library of Arindell is established.
The Fifth Age
The Fifth Age was a relatively tranquil age. With the Kamians in isolation, the major powers stood down to focus on public works and strengthening their infrastructures.
Year 14 of the Fifth Age: The Gudersnipe Foundation officially phases out the Condor-class reconnaissance fighter, though no Condors have seen active duty for more than 30 years.
Year 21 of the Fifth Age: the Hermen Scopal Academy is founded, in honor of the legendary commander Hermen Scopal.
Year 208 of the Fifth Age: G.S.S. Galaxy Chacer becomes the fastest ship ever built.
Year 209 of the Fifth Age: The Sublight Speed Record is re-named the Production Sublight Speed Record, and slightly re-defined.
Year 303 of the Fifth Age: "The Great Schism" in Kiatra.
Year 403 of the Fifth Age: A team of linguistics experts travel through most of The Stacks in the Library of Arindell, translating every sign and label they can locate from contemporary versions of Common into Standard, which was then poised to become the defacto language of academics. While the project was successful, the derivation of used Standard failed to gain widespread traction, leaving the signs even more useless than they were before.
Year 307 of the Fifth Age: The Jackson Campaign proves that if you have enough money, you can pay the other side to throw the war.
Year 491 of the Fifth Age: Raul Kem is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 513 of the Fifth Age: Slayer Dragon Raul Kem becomes the last of the order to be interred in the Valley of Sleeping Dragons, with all future Slayer Dragons having their bodies burned in ash pits.
Year 520 of the Fifth Age: Slayer Dragon Gregory the Grey is anointed.
Year 607 of the Fifth Age: Gregory the Grey passes on, and while his body goes to the ash pits, his garb is placed in the first reliquary, begining a new custom.
Year 611 of the Fifth Age: a large collection of Viverren books is discovered in the Library of Arindell, shedding new light on the Viverren species.
Year 669 of the Fifth Age: the Korrenz Incident provokes the Foundation to clean up the Bdakra Shipyard
Year 723 of the Fifth Age: the Vulture-class escort fighter goes into production.
Year 725 of the Fifth Age: Captain Acrebo's Treasure is stolen.
Year 751 of the Fifth Age: historian Skolla Shawni releases his treatise entitled the Diary of Skolla Shawni that describes his encounter with what he believed to be a powerful, reincarnated sorcerer from the Marcon Alliance.
Year 803 of the Fifth Age: the Icarus Project is begun at Gudersnipe School.
Year 880 of the Fifth Age: Enus Litgo is born.
Year 887 of the Fifth Age: the Icarus Project is moved to a top-secret research facility and placed under the direct jurisdiction of the Blind Consul.
Year 935 of the Fifth Age: Enus Litgo, now Enus the Abhorrent, is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 937 of the Fifth Age: Enus the Abhorrent dies of a bungee-jumping accident off an over-pass on the outskirts of Arindell.
Year 971 of the Fifth Age: the Horseman-class long-range bomber goes into service.
Year 979 of the Fifth Age: the Hawk-class fighter officially enters production, replacing the Vulture-class as the Gudersnipe Foundation's official escort fighter. Unlike the Vulture, the Hawk is a mutli-rôle fighter and not a dedicated escort.
Year 999 of the Fifth Age: marks the first Age during which the Library of Arindell is not established. The Fifth Age ends and the Sixth Age begins. The Library of Arindell is established.
The Sixth Age
This would be the Age in which the Course Books actually take place.
Year 17 of the Sixth Age: Lydia Lionheart is anointed a Sayer Dragon.
Year 20 of the Sixth Age: the Horseman-class long range bomber is phased out of active service.
Year 31 of the Sixth Age: The N2 warhead is perfected by reseachers from Gudersnipe School, just to see if they could.
Year 32 of the Sixth Age: A design team from the Crimson Blade Corps of Engineers completes a 4-year project developing the first generation of the Harpy-class long-range bomber.
Year 42 of the Sixth Age: Lydia Lionheart becomes Pendragon.
Year 67 of the Sixth Age: Lydia Lionheart dies.
Year 97 of the Sixth Age: after nearly 1.5 millennia in darkness, the Kamians begin a ruthless campaign to conquer the known Multi-Verse, and the Battle of Lerma spills the first blood of the Kamian Succession Wars.
Year 103 of the Sixth Age: Foundation losses are mounting, and a serious shortage of capitol-class battleships begins to hamper the war effort. The Blind Consul declares an out-right emergency in what is dubbed 'The Battleship Crisis".
Year 107 of the Sixth Age: in the midst of the Battleship Crisis, the Foundation begins Operation Jackroot and constructs cargo freightors that decieve Kamian sensors.
Year 108 of the Sixth Age: The Alliance and Foundation jointly begin the ALA Program as a way to construct new bases quickly. The Alliance refers to the program as Project Mike, and the Foundation used the code-name "Project Pop-Top".
Year 147 of the Sixth Age: the Kamians land on Nos Vorm and fight a 250-year ground campaign.
Year 115 of the Sixth Age: the Heart Military Academy is founded near the edge of explored space, as far from the front lines as possible, to provide better low-echelon officers for the Crimson Blade. The academy includes a military primary school that accepts students as young as eight Standard years.
Year 175 of the Sixth Age: Excavations on JAL 667 identify it as the original Kamian Homeworld.
Year 200 of the Sixth Age: Gudersnipe's Boing-Boing missile returns for the bloody Battle of Lerner Fields, marking a very rare early-war victory for the Foundation.
Year 203 of the Sixth Age: The Alliance allows the Gudersnipe Foundation the first (and only) scientific analysis of the Sword Echbalder.
Year 310 of the Sixth Age: The first combat-ready Kangaroo-squadron sees combat at the Battle of Redlake Ridge, the Kangaroo proves to be an effective close-air-support weapon throughout the rest of the war.
Year 397 of the Sixth Age: Kamians finally defeated on Nos Vorm.
Year 408 of the Sixth Age: Cado Smith is born.
Year 409 of the Sixth Age: The Ritats people are destroyed by their own weapons, whereupon the Ritats A.I. emerge as a major power to be scorned and feared.
Year 425 of the Sixth Age: C.B.S. Concordia completes space trials and is officially added to the naval registry.
Year 489 of the Sixth Age: Hrethrel Jusenkyou warns the residents of Avenhelm of a coming landslide.
Year 491 of the Sixth Age: Sir Arthur Vandelem successfuly tests the first Vandelem Bomb, though it is quickly deemed "a weapon to brutal even Gudersnipe wouldn't use it".
Year 492 of the Sixth Age: a catastrophic landslide destroys nearly one quarter of the city of Avenhelm.
Year 503 of the Sixth Age: The Vandelem Bomb Mark II is tested, expands exponentially, and kills fifty-three billion people including Sir Arthur Vandelem and his entire civilization in few minutes. The radiation pulse expands in all directions, forcing anyone in its path to relocate.
Year 510 of the Sixth Age: Cado Smith Dies
Year 522 of the Sixth Age: Hrethrel Jusenkyou speaks the prophecy about the offspring of his son, which he inscribes upon a stone called the Blood Stele
Year 525 of the Sixth Age: Hygelic Jusenkyou hatches.
Year 555 of the Sixth Age: Markhot System is destroyed in a Kamian attack.
Year 601 of the Sixth Age: the Red Storm corporation is founded to design and manufacture servos and power sub-systems for military-grade mecha.
Year 650 of the Sixth Age: Wyrick Balnor becomes a minor media sensation when it is revealed he was born and education on an uncontacted world, before joining the Crimson Blade and later going to work for Industrial Face Annihilators.
Year 666 of the Sixth Age: the Gudersnipe Ninth Fleet is lost at the Battle of the Deen Gibson Cluster. Until the Battle of Danielle, this stood as the largest single loss of ships and men.
Year 699 of the Sixth Age: Discovery of the Remus Star Cluster.
Year 722 of the Sixth Age: the Gudersnipe Sixth Fleet is destroyed at the Battle of Danielle.
Year 732 of the Sixth Age: Red Storm unveils the first Tora-model mobile suits.
Year 745 of the Sixth Age: the Red Storm corporation declares bankruptcy.
Year 768 of the Sixth Age: construction begins on G.S.S. Antikythera
Year 769 of the Sixth Age: Operation Rook Takes Pawn.
Year 771 of the Sixth Age: Operation King Drift becomes one of the largest failures in the Kamian Succession Wars.
Year 778 of the Sixth Age: Ian Riley is born.
Year 779 of the Sixth Age; Gene Currana is born.
Year 799 of the Sixth Age: Ian Riley is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 800 of the Sixth Age: Kamians attack Gallihop, a facility on the edge of the Utops Cluster. The Foundation makes an open declaration: victory at all costs.
Year 800 of the Sixth Age: The Battle of the Don't Pass Line is the first engagement to successfully stop a Kamian invasion since Operation King Drift.
Year 811 of the Sixth Age: Ian Riley becomes Pendragon.
Year 812 of the Sixth Age: With the development of the new type of mecha code-named Gunjin Goddess, the Gudersnipe Foundation and the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance begin a massive push to end the Kamian Succession Wars. Within a year, the hostilities cease.
Year 812 of the Sixth Age: Author of the Gust, for a point of reference.
Year 813 of the Sixth Age: the Kamian Succession Wars officially end on paper, and the Foundation begins a 20-year de-armament to shift the economy from total war to peacetime activities.
Year 814 of the Sixth Age: first mention of the Terse Period in a commentary on the modern state of inter-stellar shipping.
Year 815 of the Sixth Age: Balphaz Ciegrat and Sieghand Royal are born, though not necessarily in that order.
Year 819 of the Sixth Age: Hokori is born.
Year 822 of the Sixth Age: the Crimson Blade Corps of Engineers carries out an ambitious project known as the Million Hammer March, whereof the end result was a city capable of holding 8 million residents, completed in six months.
Year 832 of the Sixth Age: the de-armament plan of the Gudersnipe Foundation is completed successfully. Though things will never be the way they were again, the general economic state of the verse has been maintained.
Year 837 of the Sixth Age: Balphaz Ciegrat is anointed as a Slayer Dragon.
Year 839 of the Sixth Age: Sieghand Royal is anointed as a Slayer Dragon.
Year 844 of the Sixth Age: generally agreed upon end of the Terse Period
Year 846 of the Sixth Age: Marco Ralien is born.
Year 846 of the Sixth Age: the Icarus Project prototype, code-named "little hen", is tested.
Year 847 of the Sixth Age: the Icarus Project is officially pronounced complete and mothballed.
Year 854 of the Sixth Age: Hokori is anointed a Slayer Dragon.
Year 865 of the Sixth Age: the Gudersnipe Foundation begins the Nelson Fleet Revision, the first major revision since the end of the war.
Year 865 of the Sixth Age: Sapphire Drembilla is born.
Year 867 of the Sixth Age: The keel is laid for hull number N-808-B-305, a Glorious Heritage-class Light Destroyer, which would later be known as the Saratoga.
Year 867 of the Sixth Age: Guy of Hellenes is born.
Year 868 of the Sixth Age: C.B.S. Glorious Heritage and C.B.S. Peregrine are lost with all hands in the Burma System.
Year 871 of the Sixth Age: The Hawk escort fighter is officially phased out, though unofficially retired from active combat by the end of the Kamian Succession Wars 59 years earlier.
Year 872 of the Sixth Age: Marco Ralien becomes a Slayer Dragon.
Year 873 of the Sixth Age: Ian Riley dies.
Year 873 of the Sixth Age: Hokori takes up the Sword Echbalder and becomes Pendragon.
Course Books Era Starts Roughly Here
Year 882 of the Sixth Age: Hunter Jusenkyou is born.
Year 883 of the Sixth Age: Lina Rowen is born.
Year 884 of the Sixth Age: General Merritt is born.
Year 885 of the Sixth Age: Through the Night
Year 886 of the Sixth Age: Lily McConery is born.
Year 889 of the Sixth Age: Michael is born.
Year 894 of the Sixth Age: Priorities
Year 894 pf the Sixth Age: The Eye of a Dragon
Year 895 of the Sixth Age: Sapphire Drembilla becomes a Slayer Dragon.
Year 895 of the Sixth Age: The Voice of a Dragon
Year 895 of the Sixth Age: The Claw of a Dragon
Year 896 of the Sixth Age: The Wings of a Dragon
Year 897 of the Sixth Age: The Breath of a Dragon
Year 897 of the Sixth Age: Ability
Year 897 of the Sixth Age: 'AI Thumping' (hunting Ritats A.I. for sport) is officially outlawed, but unofficially permitted.
Year 897 of the Sixth Age: Guy of Hellenes becomes a Slayer Dragon
Year 898 of the Sixth Age: Presence
Year 899 of the Sixth Age: Hunter Jusenkyou becomes a student at Gudersnipe School.
Year 899 of the Sixth Age: An Ice Giant is discovered in the out solar system at Gallihop. This marks the first time a new large planet was discovered in a populated solar system. Records indicate that the Crimson Blade had actually detected the planet as much as 700 years earlier, but had failed to make note of it.
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Hunter Jusenkyou Graduates from Gudersnipe School.
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Dusk
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Point of the Spear
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Storm
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Half the Fun
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: The Other Half
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Princess Megami
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Responsibility
Year 902 of the Sixth Age: Not Hunting
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: Draco, the Great Dragon, is slain by Ryoga, thus ending his nearly 10,000-year lifespan.
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: Lina Rowen defeats the sorcerer Hidakots and becomes a renowned hero in Rowen and Sindall.
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: Lina Rowen travels to Valley Gale Keep to become a Slayer Dragon.
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: Hunter Jusenkyou arrives at Valley Gale Keep to undergo the Trials and become a Slayer Dragon.
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: The Slayer Dragons
Year 903 of the Sixth Age: Marigold
Year 904 of the Sixth Age: Forgotten
Year 905 of the Sixth Age: The Final Trial
Year 905 of the Sixth Age: Hunter Jusenkyou and Lina Rowen are anointed as Slayer Dragons. They travel together to the world of Hunter’s birth to fight the Dragon-Half Komodo.
Year 905 of the Sixth Age: Return of the Dragon
Year 906 of the Sixth Age: A New Darkness
Year 906 of the Sixth Age: Hunter and Lina venture into Rowen in search of a magical gem, and find instead the entrance to the 'Lost Nation'.
Year 906 of the Sixth Age: The Tiger's Eye
Year 907 of the Sixth Age: The Ninth Street Incident occurs.
Year 907 of the Sixth Age: the necromancer Michael is anointed a Slayer Dragon, much to the chagrin of the general populace. He is given special dispensation to skip the vast majority of The Trials.
Year 907 of the Sixth Age: Cavalry
Year 909 of the Sixth Age: False Gods
Year 910 of the Sixth Age: the Library of Arindell is established just for old times' sake.
Year 910 of the Sixth Age: the Sword Echbalder is snapped in half by Ryoga. The Sixth Age ends. The Age of the Dragon begins. Guy of Hellenes dies. Balphaz Ciegrat and Sieghand Royal die, what the heck, in that order. Marco Ralien Dies.
Year 910 of the Sixth Age: Decisive
Year 910 of the Sixth Age: The Reunion of the Eighth Power
Though the Alliance Calendar is still maintained, the Sixth Age ends a bit prematurely, causing historians no end of confusion further down the road. The Age of the Dragon comes next.
Story links are shown in BOLD, in the event that the event in a story is itself tracked on the timeline, the even proceeds the entry for the story.